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Peter Hitchens ~ Mail Blog

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Peter Hitchens, say what you like about the man, and the paper he writes for - I think that a)he's a talented writer, especially at his most polemic, and b)although I disagree with him on many, many things - he has absolutely nailed it with this blog post ~




Quite a few points I'd differ on, certainly, but his assessment of the campaigns, the election and the aftermath is horribly correct.


Maybe it's just late. Or I could of course be dreaming, but there you have it ^.

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Peter Hitchens, say what you like about the man, and the paper he writes for - I think that a)he's a talented writer, especially at his most polemic, and b)although I disagree with him on many, many things - he has absolutely nailed it with this blog post ~




Quite a few points I'd differ on, certainly, but his assessment of the campaigns, the election and the aftermath is horribly correct.


Maybe it's just late. Or I could of course be dreaming, but there you have it ^.


I feel the same as you, and agree more and more with what Peter Hitchens says. I always thought he was an out and out Tory, but lately he's been coming out with this sort of piece more and more often. He'll be agreeing with Russell Brand next.


It is odd that his essays have disappeared from the DM. Is he refusing to follow Murdoch's agenda? The coverage of the election in the DM has been disgraceful, I wonder if he's resigned in protest?


He's certainly bang on in what he writes. A pity more people won't bother to read it. They might have a better understanding of what's going on.

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Peter Hitchens, say what you like about the man, and the paper he writes for - I think that a)he's a talented writer, especially at his most polemic, and b)although I disagree with him on many, many things - he has absolutely nailed it with this blog post ~




Quite a few points I'd differ on, certainly, but his assessment of the campaigns, the election and the aftermath is horribly correct.


Maybe it's just late. Or I could of course be dreaming, but there you have it ^.

I agree, he is a talented writer. That blog, which I've only just read, is one of his best.
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he is a hack, he could write a piece next week, voicing viewpoints diametrically opposed to ones he put up last week. That is why he is good. As hacks go he is one of the best.

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Re-reading it - there is of course some posturing and moralising, diametrically opposed to the kind of posturing and moralising I'm aligned to. But underneath I think his broad analysis is bang on.
That's just his nature. I've seen him on a few TV debates and noticed he considers himself more moral then anyone else. :hihi:
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An interesting blog item that I would never have seen otherwise - thanks Phan!



I've yet to come across people, right leaning people who can accept these sorts of facts without trying to play the 'but under labour-blah blah' card. Or vice versa for that matter.


"By playing our part in this ludicrous pantomime, we license it to continue forever. I have thought for years that the key to ending it was simple and obvious. We could revenge ourselves on these fakes by refusing to vote for them..

But I must now admit that the people of this country actually seem to prefer to live the same experience over and over again"


Tis true, the cycle goes on and on. The tories and labour seem to be the two opposite personalities of a schizophrenic meglomaniac, silver toung'd and preaching to parishioners with affinities for self harm and delusion.


Thoroughly depressing methinks.

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Peter Hitchens, say what you like about the man, and the paper he writes for - I think that a)he's a talented writer, especially at his most polemic, and b)although I disagree with him on many, many things - he has absolutely nailed it with this blog post ~




Quite a few points I'd differ on, certainly, but his assessment of the campaigns, the election and the aftermath is horribly correct.


Maybe it's just late. Or I could of course be dreaming, but there you have it ^.



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