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Peter Hitchens ~ Mail Blog

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You could see the advent of a left-right coalition formed in opposition to the crony capitalist, vested interest political class that currently dominates the House of Commons.


One that serves,even through opposing dogmata and ideologies if necessary, the benefit of all citizens, rather just its parliamentary members and their extended hangers on, and all their contacts in industry, commerce, banking, ad nauseam.


One that could manage without micromanaging. One that could explain the reasoning behind its decisions of national importance. One that would accept and understand 'public opinion' without slavlishly reacting to it. One that would look beyond it's own term in government.


(I have a much longer wishlist, if anyone here wants to test their boredom threshold)


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 00:20 ----------



Verbose as ever, Mr. S

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Interesting blog. Nails it about the similarity between the two main parties and their general ineptitude.


Thanks for posting OP


---------- Post added 14-05-2015 at 00:27 ----------


You could see the advent of a left-right coalition formed in opposition to the crony capitalist, vested interest political class that currently dominates the House of Commons.


One that serves,even through opposing dogmata and ideologies if necessary, the benefit of all citizens, rather just its parliamentary members and their extended hangers on, and all their contacts in industry, commerce, banking, ad nauseam.


One that could manage without micromanaging. One that could explain the reasoning behind its decisions of national importance. One that would accept and understand 'public opinion' without slavlishly reacting to it. One that would look beyond it's own term in government.


(I have a much longer wishlist, if anyone here wants to test their boredom threshold)


Sounds very much like what the Icelandic people got after their economic crash

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God, how true that blog is, and how depressing it is.


Anna, Murdoch doesn't own the Mail, btw.


The truth often is depressing....


(And you're right, I stand corrected. The Daily Mail is 'owned' by Viscount Rothermere.)

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You could see the advent of a left-right coalition formed in opposition to the crony capitalist, vested interest political class that currently dominates the House of Commons.


One that serves,even through opposing dogmata and ideologies if necessary, the benefit of all citizens, rather just its parliamentary members and their extended hangers on, and all their contacts in industry, commerce, banking, ad nauseam.


One that could manage without micromanaging. One that could explain the reasoning behind its decisions of national importance. One that would accept and understand 'public opinion' without slavlishly reacting to it. One that would look beyond it's own term in government.


(I have a much longer wishlist, if anyone here wants to test their boredom threshold)


It's possible the general public don't wish for analytical..only the spewed out daily feed of guff, political small talk, in fighting, gogglebox etc. We're consumers and it's so much easier to consume from the sweet and sugary limited top rather than going beyond. Politicians are honed sellers, they all ply for the consumers attention, our need to consume supersedes our weakness for detail..they simply have us in the bag...mostly, they just wear different coloured ties is all.


"Looking beyond"...what a dream come true that would be.

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Even though I may share to a much lesser degree some of Peter Hitchens cynicism, I hope I never reach the same level of his contempt.


I like to think we have some decent politicians who aren't all motivated by self-interest. That's why I vote in an election.

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It's a well written, if not bitter piece.


I wonder if he's more hacked off about the points he makes, or the fact he publically called the election outcome so totally wrong???


He's got nothing to be bitter about really. He's a Tory at heart and they've won. He gets well paid by a strongly pro-tory media group.


He's just voicing in a very articulate way what most people are thinking about the two main parties.

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Hitchens makes another point for me in his response to one of the comments on his post:


"Actually Mr Balls is a far better economist than Mr Osborne, and can justly claim to have saved the country from entering the Euro against such advocates as Michael Heseltine, Mr Cameron's strongest single influence." Which we can also contrast with the Tories' ERM debacle.


Not that I'm setting out any kind of stall for Labour. I agree with Hitchens's thesis that the country is ruled not democratically but by a self-serving oligarchy, with Labour and the Tories (and, formerly, the LibDems) as just rival factions within that. At national level anyway.


Of course, neither do I agree with Hitchens's overarching theory that the oligarchy is a socialist conspiracy overseen by a shadowy, Illuminati-like Fabian Society.


Don't forget the Tories took us the closest we ever got to joining the Euro - into the ERM.


Defending our position in that cost us £30bn and we left in the end anyway.

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