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Should Labour move right or left?

Should Labour move right or left?  

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  1. 1. Should Labour move right or left?

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    • Right
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Well, you see, that's an opinion not a fact ...


Those who say Blairite = Tory Lite are missing an opportunity to make common cause with a potential ally (the Labour Centre/Right). (not that I'm defending Blair's record on you know what)


Let me try to explain.


I read in the paper today that Corbyn is a republican at heart but he accepts "the Queen can stay for the time being".


Is this guy some kind of pussy? Has he no principles? Why won't he defend what he believes in? Why does he effectively support the monarchy, just like the Tories?


The reason why, is that, he knows it's a lost cause at this time. I too am a republican, but there's other winnable issues we must address first. Abolishing the monarchy must wait, no matter how passionately some of us feel about that.


So when you complain "why vote labour if their policies mirror the conservatives" well, just bear in mind that it depends how far to the left you are. In some respects, Corbyn could be seen as Tory-Lite because he's not prepared to pursue his republican ideals.


Let the left work on common cause, winnable fights. mutual interest, co-operation and not label everyone who isn't as extreme as they are, as being the enemy.


---------- Post added 02-08-2015 at 23:44 ----------



Absolutely, yes I do.


But let's get real about politics.


Corbyn promises "roles for Blairites if he wins". Does that disappoint you that a politician is prepared to compromise?



I'd agree that everyone, every company regardless of size, should pay their fair share of tax and many companies are [legally] avoiding what they morally owe. This needs addressing. In order to do this requires the support of a large number of people.


We need to talk about fairness and justice (and believe in those principles) so that we attract as much support as possible to the cause.


... and not try to outdo each other on our extremism (as in Life of Brian's Popular Front of Judea, People's Front of Judea etc splitters!)

No why should it,? you know and i know that politicians have to compromise, thats part of politics, what i have a problem with, is when people abstain in the full knowledge that what they are doing is wrong and against their own principles....as i believe they later admitted,?

Jeremy Corbyn may not win an election and become PM, but i certainly believe Cooper or Burnham will definitely not win an election...people dont know what that type of Labour stand for? whereas at least with Corbyn you know exactly what you are getting....like it or not

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Corbyn promises "roles for Blairites if he wins". Does that disappoint you that a politician is prepared to compromise?


No why should it,? you know and i know that politicians have to compromise, thats part of politics


Maybe I've misunderstood your criticism of the other candidates. They make compromises to become electable, but their compromises seem to be unacceptable to you.


I thought your admiration for Corbyn was because he stood by his principles and didn't compromise, even at the risk of losing another election? Am I wrong?

Edited by DrNorm
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Maybe I've misunderstood your criticism of the other candidates. They make compromises to become electable, but their compromises seem to be unacceptable to you.


I thought your admiration for Corbyn was because he stood by his principles and didn't compromise, even at the risk of losing another election? Am I wrong?


Thats true, i think they have compromised too much. and look like a watered down version of the Tory party, just in the hope that they will become popular to the voters...

The reason i admire Corbyn is because of his no nonsense policies, he has put it on the table what he intends to do, whereas the other three stooges just seem to throw a lot of sound bites around, and not much else, just catchy sound bites, what have they actually put forward? out of curiosity, have you read what Corbyn has proposed, and what are your views?


On a side note, the offer to the Blairites to take a role in the new emerging party, is exactly what the man is about, when compared to the many Blairites who have openly stated they will not work with Corbyn and that it would split the party...thus trying to force the voter to pick Burnham or Cooper out of a fear of destroying the party, not what i would call democratic at all, the contenders should put their proposals to the voters and leave it at that,


At the moment the voters seem to like Jeremy Corbyn's straight talking no nonsense approach, i notice this evening that there were over 2.500 people in Camden to listen to him talk, the hall was packed to the rafters, as were the two side rooms, and there was still a huge crowd of people outside that could not get in

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At the moment the voters seem to like Jeremy Corbyn's straight talking no nonsense approach, i notice this evening that there were over 2.500 people in Camden to listen to him talk, the hall was packed to the rafters, as were the two side rooms, and there was still a huge crowd of people outside that could not get in


He did a talk in Preston at the weekend and it was the same.

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Thats true, i think they have compromised too much. and look like a watered down version of the Tory party, just in the hope that they will become popular to the voters...

The reason i admire Corbyn is because of his no nonsense policies, he has put it on the table what he intends to do, whereas the other three stooges just seem to throw a lot of sound bites around, and not much else, just catchy sound bites, what have they actually put forward? out of curiosity, have you read what Corbyn has proposed, and what are your views?


On a side note, the offer to the Blairites to take a role in the new emerging party, is exactly what the man is about, when compared to the many Blairites who have openly stated they will not work with Corbyn and that it would split the party...thus trying to force the voter to pick Burnham or Cooper out of a fear of destroying the party, not what i would call democratic at all, the contenders should put their proposals to the voters and leave it at that,


At the moment the voters seem to like Jeremy Corbyn's straight talking no nonsense approach, i notice this evening that there were over 2.500 people in Camden to listen to him talk, the hall was packed to the rafters, as were the two side rooms, and there was still a huge crowd of people outside that could not get in


Do people really buy it though? The Greeks thought they were getting a far left leader who were going to tell the Germans where to stuff it but its business (and austerity) as normal over there to the best of my (limited) knowledge.

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Do people really buy it though? The Greeks thought they were getting a far left leader who were going to tell the Germans where to stuff it but its business (and austerity) as normal over there to the best of my (limited) knowledge.


i think it is rather worse now. the new government wasted a fortune an a referendum as well as effectively shutting down half the country at the height of the tourist season.

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he's over here this Saturday, not sure where tho.


Mr Corbyn, who is currently the bookies’ favourite to win the leadership contest, is set to speak at a rally at the Doncaster Trades Club in the Frenchgate shopping centre on Saturday morning from 10am.



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