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Should Labour move right or left?

Should Labour move right or left?  

109 members have voted

  1. 1. Should Labour move right or left?

    • Left
    • Right
    • Stay where they are

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Tax cuts ;), increased training budgets, practical help.


That's not terribly specific.



The world has been tracking to the right for quite some time


We'll ignore the fact that we've had a Democrat in the White House for the past 7 years, Labour were in power for 12 years followed by a coalition involving the LibDems, France voted in a socialist president (François Hollande) in 2012, the current Australian Prime Minister is Tony Abbott (Liberal Party). Sweden is run by the centre-left Swedish Social Democratic Party, Mexico by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (a member of Socialist International), Italy's PM is Matteo Renzi (Social Democratic Party), the President of Brazil is Dilma Rousseff (Workers Party). South Africa is run by the ANC (Social Democratic), even Japan is run by the centrist Democratic Party of Japan.

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That's not terribly specific.





We'll ignore the fact that we've had a Democrat in the White House for the past 7 years, Labour were in power for 12 years followed by a coalition involving the LibDems, France voted in a socialist president (François Hollande) in 2012, the current Australian Prime Minister is Tony Abbott (Liberal Party). Sweden is run by the centre-left Swedish Social Democratic Party, Mexico by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (a member of Socialist International), Italy's PM is Matteo Renzi (Social Democratic Party), the President of Brazil is Dilma Rousseff (Workers Party). South Africa is run by the ANC (Social Democratic), even Japan is run by the centrist Democratic Party of Japan.


Arguably all of the above have tilted their policies to right, certainly when in comes to things like nationalisation and immigration. Quite a lot of the above are going through quite the nationalistic phase - austrailia and Japan in particular - which isn't a particular left wing trait. Even communist China is very big on right wing capitalism!

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Chukka is not stupid and he has realised that most of the world, is tacking towards the right and not the left wing. Not all of it of course. The biggest exception is the United States. However apart from the United States, most of it is shifting right.


Corbyn is just an idiot relic from the past. More fool Labour for having him as their leader.


if Corbyn was a fool, then that might be pretty good, but unfortunately he isn't a fool or a clown at all. Like most leftists, he has no sense of humour.


Unlike the political right, whose comedians like Jimmy Tarbuck and Jim Davidson, have people rolling in the aisles with their side splitting humour :hihi:


---------- Post added 24-08-2015 at 00:59 ----------


i think taking money from hard working people to give to the feckless and idle appeals to certain elements on here because they are the feckless and idle.


I think simplistic comments like the one you've made there appeal to you because you're rather simple minded, incredibly dim

Edited by Mister M
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That's not terribly specific.





We'll ignore the fact that we've had a Democrat in the White House for the past 7 years, Labour were in power for 12 years followed by a coalition involving the LibDems, France voted in a socialist president (François Hollande) in 2012, the current Australian Prime Minister is Tony Abbott (Liberal Party). Sweden is run by the centre-left Swedish Social Democratic Party, Mexico by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (a member of Socialist International), Italy's PM is Matteo Renzi (Social Democratic Party), the President of Brazil is Dilma Rousseff (Workers Party). South Africa is run by the ANC (Social Democratic), even Japan is run by the centrist Democratic Party of Japan.


Problem there is the old labels don't fit any more. We have globalist neoliberalism and every major country is singing from the same hymnsheet.


People say New Labour were centre left. The evidence is they categorically were not.


---------- Post added 24-08-2015 at 01:31 ----------


The links Corbyn is trying to hide



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the current Australian Prime Minister is Tony Abbott (Liberal Party).


do you not even know that 'Liberal' doesn't mean the same thing in Australia ad it does in the US, or here and that Abbott's Liberal party in Australia is the equivalent of the Tory party here? Or that one of Abbott's predessessors as leader of the Liberal party, John Howard, was Australia's version of Margaret Thatcher?

Edited by blake
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What's so funny?


Happy with a Tory Government are you?


Yes, yes I am.


---------- Post added 24-08-2015 at 07:51 ----------


You are right that it is relative but where you are going wrong is that most people have modest aspirations. They are not seeking to be the next CEO of BP or Google but are more likely looking for some financial security and job security, quite often in or close to the place they were born. Those people are not and have never been subject to a huge tax burden of the type you are describing.


These are the people Corbyn wants to help. He wants small and medium businesses in places like Sheffield to prosper. He doesn't want those business forced out of business or thwarted by major corporations.


Your alternative is protection of major corporates while they suck ever more workers into their grasp, destroying ever more small and medium sized business while you actually (WTF???) try to make us feel sorry for the poor CEOs who have to pay a bit of extra tax on their already extremely excessive salaries and bonuses.



---------- Post added 23-08-2015 at 23:06 ----------



The world has been tracking to the right for quite some time and it hasn't quite worked out has it. Look at the mess we still have since 2008. The debt. The destroyed economies.


All you are doing is arguing for something that just doesn't work any more.



I'm not talking about CEOs, I'm talking about middle class people on medium incomes. Remind me what the income tax rates were in Labour's socialist 70s, before Thatcher fixed them?

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Apart from rent controls which don't work, it's reads like the Conservative's plan. What's Corbyn offering that is new or different for business?

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Just wanted to repost this, as it seems to have slipped by without comment.


The former member of the BoE mentioned is David Blanchflower, the "happiness guru" whose wife was so happy that she left him for another woman [LINK]


That always makes me laugh. :hihi:


During his time on the Monetary Policy Committee he persistently voted to reduce interest rates (which were at 5.75% in 2007) thus perpetuating the housing boom and helping to make homes even more unaffordable.


Cheers Danny Boy.


Here is a list of the economic forecasts Danny Boy has got wrong [LINK]


No wonder they call economics the "dismal science".

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