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Looking for old Shiregreen mates


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While I was trying to locate some of my old school mates,I came across a site called "Friends Reunited" and on this site I found a reference to Shiregreen Sec Mod School on Bracken Rd...When I was there I remembered most of all Mr Lamb..I was scared to death of this bloke because if you disobayed him or didn't pay attention to him he went nuts and he became very violent, I was caned by Mr Lamb myself many times for things like, being late, talking in class, not paying attention ,daydreaming etc..On his first day at the school I saw him come into the classroom to supervise dinnertime( we had school dinners in the classroom in those days) We were all chatting and messing around waiting for our turn to go into the main hall and collect our meals...When in came Mr Lamb He shouted out to the class "SILENCE" we all went silent ( this bloke was different to the other teachers) a lad called Alan Jones had a deck of cards on his desk top..Mr Lamb said to him you put those cards away lad..Jones started to gather the cards together, but took his time doing it in Bravado because Jones was a big lad for fourteen. Anyway the next thing I saw was Mr Lamb diving across the desks at Jones..He grabbed him by the jacket and beat him across the face several times with his fists and hands..I didn't have much of an appetite that afternoon...I never forgot that day...now 50 years later...I found another Pupil at the same school who remembers a similar event a couple of years later after I'd left school and Mr Lamb had been Promoted to headmaster...and this is what he says...


Anyone remember when the head, Mr LAMB caned ROD BEST for talking while he was taking assembly ref [ myself DAVID LOCKWOOD and[ CHIMP] PHIL MASLIN for smoking in the yard. He broke the cane on the top of the stage as i recall ,and little ROD BEST had to go to hospital with his hand, Old LAMB gave him 20 strokes, you could hear a pin drop in the school hall, everyone was gob smacked. I ran my hand under the cold tap before i paid a visit to his study for my sins.NEVER FORGOT THAT.!

A few years after leaving good old Shiregreen Sec.i joined the army as a ROYAL MILITARY POLICEMAN, and i went back to see the HEAD and i reminded him of the incident, to which he replied. " NO PAIN " NO GAIN"

John barnett.


The Kids today don't know how lucky they are.

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Re the friends united site, yes, I have seen the photo from 1953, no, honest, i'm not on this picture, I was in Miss Summerset's class in 1954, the year after, have still got a photo somewhere.

I left school in 1958, and was head boy that year, the closest i've ever come to fame! the last teacher I had was Mr May, great guy.

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Hey Malc I was in Miss Somersets class that year as well..with Tony Thicket ( to become Head Boy), Winifred Kimpton, Clarence Cowley, was I in the class before you?...I think I was...must have been I left Christmas1954.

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Hi Bella..The Duck pond is doing quite well today, the council have done it up,and the fountains working now and more ducks than ever are in it somedays as many as 80 mallards a couple of Canada geese and two swans. i'll try and send you Photo.

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Originally posted by Timbuck

Hi Bella..The Duck pond is doing quite well today, the council have done it up,and the fountains working now and more ducks than ever are in it somedays as many as 80 mallards a couple of Canada geese and two swans. i'll try and send you Photo.






I lived about opposite the catholic church, on the little green, behind the big green


I left in 98. Would love to see a photo of the ducks and the swans .........(Swans he says!! gosh, that really IS done up)

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I visited Sheffield this last weekend, saw my mate Ian Bilson, he remembers both you and brother Eric, were you in B B at Hatfield Lane? Brian Woodriff who wrote the two books on Shiregreen lived just below you, I think it was last house going towards English Steel ground. By the way, he is in the process of completing a third book, should be interesting.

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Each Time you mention Ian Bilson it jogs my memory I certainly new him..but I still can't place him..where did he use to live???.

I was in the Life Boys at Hatfield house Lane..Then I joined The Boy Scouts at St Christophers Bellhouse Road..I was Patrol leader of the Stag Patrol..and my Second was a german lad called Gunther Wurtsbach , but everybody Knew him as "Ginta" He was Killed some years ago in a motorcycle accident.

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Ian at that time lived on Crowland Road, went to Hatfield House Lane chapel, his uncle, Donald Hazell played the organ there, Ian was also a football ref, he's still living in Lane Top area, I think he will be about one year younger than you. I'm trying to persuade him to register on forum, he would be an asset to it, as unlike me, he has a damn good memory!

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