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North Koreans create superhuman species

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News from the Future.


In a few days the world learns about the new superhuman species. North Koreans engineered to be much better than the average human.


No need to sleep.

Perfect eye sight, nightvision and infra-red capabilities.

Longer lifespan

Harder working

Enhanced brain capability, expanded memory and removable hard-drive with USB 3.0 capability.


How can the foreign human workforces compete with these new enhanced 'drone' like super humans?





It may already be too late to ask

Dateline: 17 May 2025

New technologies to 'reinvent and upgrade' the human species are causing widespread alarm around the globe.

Scientists have perfected a number of ways to create a race of 'supermen' - humans with enhanced eyesight to see in the dark; with their genetic clocks altered to live longer; using drugs that dramatically reduce the need for sleep; and bearing tiny embedded devices that help them remember everything. We can even make people smarter.

But... should we?

Human rights groups, politicians, the media and academics are locked in an intense debate about the ethics of these sciences and technologies. The fear is of creating an entirely new dimension of 'haves' and 'have-nots.'

"We're talking about two-tier humanity. A small group of 'super-humans' - and the rest of us. This is akin to the nightmare of Nazi supremacy," says Andrew Tsitsakis, leader of the OneHumanity activist group.

On the other side, scientists are pointing to the benefits. "Enhanced humans are still just humans. They can simply perform better and faster," says genetic pioneer Dr Alan Cheng. "This means we can tackle mankind's problems more effectively and rapidly."

Both sides of the argument have merit. But the problem is that scientists in countries like North Korea and even China, where public opinion matters less, are already creating ranks of super-workers.

"We no longer have time for comfortable ethical debates," says radical futurist Enoch Callaghan. "This is a market reality and we had better all learn how to manage it. Superhumans are the face of tomorrow - and just think of the business opportunities!"


Should superhumans have the same 'human' rights as normal people, or should they have 'responsibilities'?


Many moral and ethical questions are raised, and we need to think through how we as a species react.


With there being threats of forced migration via the scuttling of submarines containing NK superhumans in the North Sea, we also have to think about how we will deal with superhuman refugees.

Some already say there is a widely dispersed network of superhumans, but it seems larger migrations are now on the cards.


Will superhumans integrate well in Page Hall for example?


How will they be policed if they are able to communicate without their communications being 100% subject to GCHQ monitoring.


It could just be a crazy conspiracy, what do you think?

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It could have helped this guy.

"North Korea's Defence Minister Hyon Yong-chol has been executed for showing disloyalty to leader Kim Jong-un, South Korea's spy agency has told parliament.


MPs were told Mr Hyon was killed on 30 April by anti-aircraft fire in front of an audience of hundreds, the Yonhap news agency reports.


It said Mr Hyon had fallen asleep during an event attended by Kim Jong-un and had not carried out instructions.


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"expanded memory and removable hard-drive with USB 3.0 capability."


on a person?


We are decades away from reliable usable brain to USB interfaces.... I do question the authenticity and reality of this report!

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Actually this isn't that far from truth. With new CRISPR-Cas technology, it's a topic under discussion in the scientific community


Well it is in North Korea, they are hardly leaders in scientific research.


(Although they'd tell you Kim has won twenty nobel prizes already)

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If you could design humans then you surely would design a range from super intelligent down to incredibly stupid.


There of course would be no such thing as natural childbirth, instead the Petri dish would be where egg meets sperm.


In the early 1930s Aldous Huxley wrote 'Brave New World' describing such a civilisation. In his story everyone died

when they reached the age of sixty to ensure the planet didn't become over populated, but drugs and fornication where

the norm. So right up until you died, you could be living life in the fast lane.

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