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Begging hillsborough

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Roma beggar = con artist.


Die my backside. Stop giving to the parasites and they will soon bugger off somewhere else.


Having lived in London for several years I used to see these "beggars" and the gang masters targeting vulnerable tourists for hours on end before making off in a parked car somewhere to do it all over again the next day. These people would enter the Tube spending hour on end going round the network hassling people multiple times. They would carry babies with them and their "no English" spiel became a running joke to locals seeing them day after day.


Just like the infamous "Gemma" or the bloke outside the train station who every day without fail needed 30p to get his train to Nottingham, they are complete frauds.

The state provides in this country. Unless they have desperate mental health issues or are here illegally there is no need for ANYONE to be on the street begging.


I've not seen them about for the last couple of years....

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Or possibly die.....

Are you suggesting people shouldn't give because seeing a street beggar annoys you?


No they won't die because they probably live in a better house than you or me and have more money than us.


It looked like the one near the chip shop might have been arrested today as when I passed the police were there taking his photo and his details and she was radioing for someone else, so if you feel sorry for them take them to you home

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We don't want any of this sort of thing out here, it's bad enough in town. Scummers everywhere, and they seem to be winning. Something needs to be done, and not the usual 'give them all houses and cars' routine we normally see from the lefties.

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We don't want any of this sort of thing out here, it's bad enough in town. Scummers everywhere, and they seem to be winning. Something needs to be done, and not the usual 'give them all houses and cars' routine we normally see from the lefties.


Agree. Scum everywhere. And not a genuine case in sight. One minute begging money off you at Hillsborough the next robbing your bike.


---------- Post added 16-05-2015 at 12:09 ----------


No they won't die because they probably live in a better house than you or me and have more money than us.


It looked like the one near the chip shop might have been arrested today as when I passed the police were there taking his photo and his details and she was radioing for someone else, so if you feel sorry for them take them to you home


Benefit tourists. A lot of them work on the black market and send our public money home. One good thing the tories are doing is stopping this nonsense with no benefits for 12 months,

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Benefit tourists. A lot of them work on the black market and send our public money home. One good thing the tories are doing is stopping this nonsense with no benefits for 12 months,


At one time it was illegal to take more than so much money out of the country because basically it really undermined the economy.


Has anyone noticed how many people from foreign parts are in the post office or western union ...whatever regularly sending money abroad. whether they work or scrounge for it what effect this exporting of money having on the economy?


If they get it here but don't spend it here surely its a drain on our economy. Never mind all the economies are going to collapse sooner or later.



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Agree. Scum everywhere. And not a genuine case in sight. One minute begging money off you at Hillsborough the next robbing your bike.


---------- Post added 16-05-2015 at 12:09 ----------



Benefit tourists. A lot of them work on the black market and send our public money home. One good thing the tories are doing is stopping this nonsense with no benefits for 12 months,


Tell me off for being a bit silly, but if you give no money whatsoever, or food, then what do you expect them to do. Surely stopping them coming in the first place is the best idea, but expecting people to live off nothing can never be right.

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