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Begging hillsborough

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Tell me off for being a bit silly, but if you give no money whatsoever, or food, then what do you expect them to do. Surely stopping them coming in the first place is the best idea, but expecting people to live off nothing can never be right.


I do not expect them to live here for nothing.

If they have not got a job already I do not think they should come.

If their job has finished they should return to their former homes.

If they are here with no income they should return to their former homes.


Besides knowing the bleedin-heart nature of the DHSS whatever its calling itself and various charities I'm sure someone will be giving these parasites enough to fill their bellies everynight and doubtless the council wil be providing them a roof both rent and poll tax free. But if they are not working they should return to their former homes.



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Roma beggar = con artist.


Die my backside. Stop giving to the parasites and they will soon bugger off somewhere else.


Having lived in London for several years I used to see these "beggars" and the gang masters targeting vulnerable tourists for hours on end before making off in a parked car somewhere to do it all over again the next day. These people would enter the Tube spending hour on end going round the network hassling people multiple times. They would carry babies with them and their "no English" spiel became a running joke to locals seeing them day after day.


Just like the infamous "Gemma" or the bloke outside the train station who every day without fail needed 30p to get his train to Nottingham, they are complete frauds.


The state provides in this country. Unless they have desperate mental health issues or are here illegally there is no need for ANYONE to be on the street begging.


I think its gone up to 40p now.

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she was opposite specsavers about 5-00pm and there was a bloke playing an accordian on the bridge next to the chippy


They are both in a Broomhill today. The accordion player is outside boots and the woman is sat looking sorry for herself outside the old KFC at the bus stop round the corner.

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