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Begging hillsborough

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Well boldforester I was expecting name calling and you are right about the scots. I have absolutely no problem with any person currently in this country of whatever faith creed or race. That is so long as they want to work and integrate and not just come for the benefits. We are a small country and we are full. There has been recent news items about the refugees and the fact Germany are taking lots. what they do not say on these items are that the population of Germany with Italy is in decline, our population is increasing. We do not need more immigrants but other countries especially Eastern European ones do but will they go there, no because there are no benefits to be had.


There's a good thread going on about Romanians (Slovaks) and Page Hall...worth a read

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I saw one in hillsborough then a few days later she was in town at the very bottom of the moor round th ecorner from Yorshire bank doing the same thing, perhaps she had scrounged enough in Hillsoborough to catch a bus into town.


Ive noticed that the roma looking one's just sit and do not speak presumably so they can not be accused of and be arrested for begging.




You are correct with the latter, it is not seen as "aggressive begging" if they do it in this way.


Regarding the lady you describe, I decided last week to have my lunch from the chippy at the bottom of the Moor and found myself sat on the seating in front of the Moorfoot building and guess what? The lady you describe was there. See her there quite often.


A PCSO came along, took a picture of her, and moved her on!


I asked him "how come you took a picture of her"?


Apparently they do now, the lady in question lives in a house down Abbeydale Road and if she carries on begging they will apply to have her benefits stopped. Seems fair enough to me.

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You are correct with the latter, it is not seen as "aggressive begging" if they do it in this way.


Regarding the lady you describe, I decided last week to have my lunch from the chippy at the bottom of the Moor and found myself sat on the seating in front of the Moorfoot building and guess what? The lady you describe was there. See her there quite often.


A PCSO came along, took a picture of her, and moved her on!


I asked him "how come you took a picture of her"?


Apparently they do now, the lady in question lives in a house down Abbeydale Road and if she carries on begging they will apply to have her benefits stopped. Seems fair enough to me.


I hope you offered her a chip, Vegas?

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Well boldforester I was expecting name calling and you are right about the scots. I have absolutely no problem with any person currently in this country of whatever faith creed or race. That is so long as they want to work and integrate and not just come for the benefits. We are a small country and we are full. There has been recent news items about the refugees and the fact Germany are taking lots. what they do not say on these items are that the population of Germany with Italy is in decline, our population is increasing. We do not need more immigrants but other countries especially Eastern European ones do but will they go there, no because there are no benefits to be had.


We are not 'full'. Immigration is a two way process. There's a double standard at work. UK people going overseas aren't 'immigrants' but 'expats'. How many of them learn the local language, integrate into the culture?


The UK welfare state is by no means the most generous and anyway, migrants, asylum seekers and refugees (they're all different things, by the way) can claim very little indeed. People who migrate illegally by definition can't claim any.


Migrants from the rest of the EU in particular are of net benefit to the UK, contributing more tax and claiming less benefits per head than the local population. If you don't like foreigners, say so, instead of trying to smear them with made up 'facts' about their supposed behaviour.


People who risk paying traffickers to escape a war zone are mostly not opportunists, but desperate refugees. Just think, what would drive you to hand over your life savings to a bunch of criminals, just to get on a filthy, overcrowded boat and risk death on the open seas? How desperate would you have to be? Put yourself in their shoes.


The UK has a legal responsibility to help them, but the current government is ignoring this responsibility, instead playing up to the stereotypes and fear that's been promoted by UKIP. The result is men, women and children drowning.


If the people dying by the hundreds in the Med were white, English speakers, our navy would be pulling them out of the water. But because they have dark or olive skin, different religions and languages, somehow it's OK to leave them to die in pain and fear.

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If the people dying by the hundreds in the Med were white, English speakers, our navy would be pulling them out of the water. But because they have dark or olive skin, different religions and languages, somehow it's OK to leave them to die in pain and fear.


I wonder how many of those who died were christians that had their heads held under the water by muslamic followers,with the bitter irony in the fact they all seek salvation in christian countries.

As for our less generous benefits,i see a guy with his family regular,who flaunts his benefits wealth without shame,new car,house for my kids (Three kids) and wife,thank you british tax payers for my disability payments! He wares a dark purple track suit emblazoned with Latvia,and collects scrap metal by day!

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I wonder how many of those who died were christians that had their heads held under the water by muslamic followers,with the bitter irony in the fact they all seek salvation in christian countries.

As for our less generous benefits,i see a guy with his family regular,who flaunts his benefits wealth without shame,new car,house for my kids (Three kids) and wife,thank you british tax payers for my disability payments! He wares a dark purple track suit emblazoned with Latvia,and collects scrap metal by day!


Talking about speaking English, what the hell is 'Muslamic' when it's at home? You're just fantasising now. BTW, the UK isn't a 'Christian' country, in fact it's mostly secular.


This guy you see, how do you know he isn't working for a living?

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Talking about speaking English, what the hell is 'Muslamic' when it's at home? You're just fantasising now. BTW, the UK isn't a 'Christian' country, in fact it's mostly secular.


This guy you see, how do you know he isn't working for a living?


Actually the UK, whether you like it or not, is nominally a Christian country with an established church whose head is also the head of state. It's the reason we have several bishops in the house of Lords. Our heritage, traditions, laws and institutions are all heavily based upon the Church of England.

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Actually the UK, whether you like it or not, is nominally a Christian country with an established church whose head is also the head of state. It's the reason we have several bishops in the house of Lords. Our heritage, traditions, laws and institutions are all heavily based upon the Church of England.


'Based on', but there is no official state religion of the UK. Despite the dregs of inherited privilege and religion lingering in state structures, our laws and customs aren't based on belief in supernatural beings.


Christian principles appear in some laws, but are ignored most of the time. As an atheist, I can still appreciate ideas like 'sell all you have and give to the poor' and 'love your enemy'. However, UK criminal law believes we are all innocent until proven guilty, unlike Christianity, which believes we are all born with sin.

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