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Begging hillsborough

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Birobasher we are full. The fact other countries take expats or immigrants from the UK is their concern. These expats are not unemployed taxi drivers from Parson Cross but usually educated folk or people with a skill that is needed and already have a job prior to entering that country. They have to be in country and contributed to the state for a given time before they can claim any benefits ie emigration to Australia.

The UK benefits are in the top 3 in Europe the other 2 have far harder qualifying points, the fact ILLEGAL immigrants get any benefits means they get too much.As ILLEGALS they should be turned round and deported.

A lot of migrants may be of benefit to the UK but begging Roma Gypsies are not. We provided our own beggars on West Street for long enough without having to import them.

The people risking everything to escape a war zone, don,t make me laugh. They have to go into the war zone to escape it first. They enter Syria from Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria and the last lot contained Pakistanis. Pakistan is at war is it then you better let the rest of the country know.

Also why are these refugees 95% young males, are the elderly, young, females safe in these WAR ZONES. They are economic migrants and if not then they are cowards. These are the exact people that should be fighting the terrorists in their own country not coming to sponge off me, before you start on me served during the Falklands and 3 tours of Northern Ireland ( was that war zone ? - people died ).

As for giving life savings I refer you to the above, economic migrants speculate to accumulate.

We may have a legal responsibility to take these people but EU law also says they should claim asylum in the first safe country they land in but they do not, how many are going to stay in Greece and Italy, sod al,l on the next ferry to good old UK.

The fact they have different skin does not bother me. The fact they are of a religion full of hypocrites does. Every weekday night down town ( yes I work the night time economy ) you see these followers of the peaceful religion getting drunk ( against Islam ) smoking ( against Islam ) with a young white slapper on their arm ( probably not Muslim ) and going into the casinos to gamble ( against Islam ). Then on Fridays these people turn up to prayers to say how they have followed the teachings, absolute hypocrites. That's without going on about importing terrorists. Mafya knock yourself out contradicting this but even birobasher will know Muslims like these I have just described. I know that Christians do not follow the Bible but we do not shove it in the face of others.

As far as I am concerned we do not need any more immigrants coming in to destroy this country, look at the tensions down Page Hall between Romas and Asians. They are turning that area into a pig sty.

The referendum cannot come soon enough for me because the polls were wrong in the GE and I think they will be wrong again. Nobody knows how the votes will go but the OUT vote has a 4 million head start ( UKIP VOTERS ) because these are the people who will go to vote, the IN vote will rely on others going out to vote.

Birobasher you are obviously a left winger who is sorry the conservatives got in, I am not. My sons work minimum wage and are still at home, there is not a single benefit comes into this house. I have never claimed a benefit in my life except for child benefit years ago. In my previous job I went into unemployed households regularly and saw they had the best of everything, newest tvs, smoked like troopers and went out on the **** regularly, all paid for by me and other tax payers. The 23K cap is too high, my two boys do not earn that added together, they should have set it at 17.

Birobasher you are a left wing tree hugger but you are entitled to your views, you think our tiny overpopulated island should take every refugee going and give them a house and money. They then can go on to not integrate, immigrants that have been here decades still take interpreters into my local chemist and doctors. I have known these people for decades and they cannot speaka the spoke, spongers the lot of them.

You may say I am a racist, I may be in your eyes because of my views but I like you do not care what others think of me. Everybody is bigoted in some way or other, Asians run the caste system, Indians do not get on with Pakistanis and neither of them get on with Bangladeshis, the fact you do not like me because of my views shows that you have flaws also.

This country is on its way down the tubes unless we grasp our heritage and take control again. Should I be fortunate to win the lottery the first thing I would do is emigrate ( become a refugee ? ) to Ireland hopefully where I could integrate. That way I would not have to pay any taxes to support immigrants of whatever ilk.

If every person in this country was given control of the aid money donated in their name I wonder how many would give it in aid and how many would spend it on a tv or holiday. I openly admit I would not give it to the people that get it now, I would give it to charities in this country. When the UK had an empire there were numerous wars of independence to get rid of us now these same people are doing their best to get here and sponge of us.

And now feel free to denigrate this post, myself and yourself for our past colonial badness and the fact you cannot in your own country stand for your heritage and beliefs without being made to feel guilty. Off you go.


With only one minor point of contention ub reference to some migrants of benefit to the UK I wholly endorse all you have said.


Well done! and don't concern yourself unduly about some of the biased people with personal and sometimes selfish interests that will oppose your comments.





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Birobasher we are full. The fact other countries take expats or immigrants from the UK is their concern. These expats are not unemployed taxi drivers from Parson Cross but usually educated folk or people with a skill that is needed and already have a job prior to entering that country. They have to be in country and contributed to the state for a given time before they can claim any benefits ie emigration to Australia.

The UK benefits are in the top 3 in Europe the other 2 have far harder qualifying points, the fact ILLEGAL immigrants get any benefits means they get too much.As ILLEGALS they should be turned round and deported.

A lot of migrants may be of benefit to the UK but begging Roma Gypsies are not. We provided our own beggars on West Street for long enough without having to import them.

The people risking everything to escape a war zone, don,t make me laugh. They have to go into the war zone to escape it first. They enter Syria from Afghanistan, Iraq, Nigeria and the last lot contained Pakistanis. Pakistan is at war is it then you better let the rest of the country know.

Also why are these refugees 95% young males, are the elderly, young, females safe in these WAR ZONES. They are economic migrants and if not then they are cowards. These are the exact people that should be fighting the terrorists in their own country not coming to sponge off me, before you start on me served during the Falklands and 3 tours of Northern Ireland ( was that war zone ? - people died ).

As for giving life savings I refer you to the above, economic migrants speculate to accumulate.

We may have a legal responsibility to take these people but EU law also says they should claim asylum in the first safe country they land in but they do not, how many are going to stay in Greece and Italy, sod al,l on the next ferry to good old UK.

The fact they have different skin does not bother me. The fact they are of a religion full of hypocrites does. Every weekday night down town ( yes I work the night time economy ) you see these followers of the peaceful religion getting drunk ( against Islam ) smoking ( against Islam ) with a young white slapper on their arm ( probably not Muslim ) and going into the casinos to gamble ( against Islam ). Then on Fridays these people turn up to prayers to say how they have followed the teachings, absolute hypocrites. That's without going on about importing terrorists. Mafya knock yourself out contradicting this but even birobasher will know Muslims like these I have just described. I know that Christians do not follow the Bible but we do not shove it in the face of others.

As far as I am concerned we do not need any more immigrants coming in to destroy this country, look at the tensions down Page Hall between Romas and Asians. They are turning that area into a pig sty.

The referendum cannot come soon enough for me because the polls were wrong in the GE and I think they will be wrong again. Nobody knows how the votes will go but the OUT vote has a 4 million head start ( UKIP VOTERS ) because these are the people who will go to vote, the IN vote will rely on others going out to vote.

Birobasher you are obviously a left winger who is sorry the conservatives got in, I am not. My sons work minimum wage and are still at home, there is not a single benefit comes into this house. I have never claimed a benefit in my life except for child benefit years ago. In my previous job I went into unemployed households regularly and saw they had the best of everything, newest tvs, smoked like troopers and went out on the **** regularly, all paid for by me and other tax payers. The 23K cap is too high, my two boys do not earn that added together, they should have set it at 17.

Birobasher you are a left wing tree hugger but you are entitled to your views, you think our tiny overpopulated island should take every refugee going and give them a house and money. They then can go on to not integrate, immigrants that have been here decades still take interpreters into my local chemist and doctors. I have known these people for decades and they cannot speaka the spoke, spongers the lot of them.

You may say I am a racist, I may be in your eyes because of my views but I like you do not care what others think of me. Everybody is bigoted in some way or other, Asians run the caste system, Indians do not get on with Pakistanis and neither of them get on with Bangladeshis, the fact you do not like me because of my views shows that you have flaws also.

This country is on its way down the tubes unless we grasp our heritage and take control again. Should I be fortunate to win the lottery the first thing I would do is emigrate ( become a refugee ? ) to Ireland hopefully where I could integrate. That way I would not have to pay any taxes to support immigrants of whatever ilk.

If every person in this country was given control of the aid money donated in their name I wonder how many would give it in aid and how many would spend it on a tv or holiday. I openly admit I would not give it to the people that get it now, I would give it to charities in this country. When the UK had an empire there were numerous wars of independence to get rid of us now these same people are doing their best to get here and sponge of us.

And now feel free to denigrate this post, myself and yourself for our past colonial badness and the fact you cannot in your own country stand for your heritage and beliefs without being made to feel guilty. Off you go.


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