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Would You Pay for a Cleaner?

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I'd have to spend too much time tidying up before the cleaner came!


For people with a little self-respect that live alone, that they have a regular cleaner can be the motivation they need for keeping the place reasonably tidy.



---------- Post added 19-05-2015 at 13:20 ----------


Just heard that as from 1st June, all those that hire cleaner's and carer's will have to contribute to their employee's pension. HMRC are in the process of distributing letters now.


Which is one reason why governments want to move towards a cashless society.


The wealthy the rich the powerful will still have all their seemingly all party all government approved tax loopholes. But the rest of us won't be able to get away with paying the neighbours kid to mow the lawn or wash the car.


Imagine this.

My neighbour has the skill maybe even is employed as a joiner he hangs me a new door on a sunday afternoon. Everyones happy the missus who decided we needed the damn thing, the guy who sold me the door (and the guy who made it) which I would not have bought if I had to get a firm in to hang it. The guy next door is happy 1/2 a day away from his kids and the price of a few beers, or something for the kids in his pocket. Me I have a new door expertly fitted for not much more than the price of the door. We all work we all pay enough taxes ..it has nothing to do with the state.


The rich buggers dodge or avoid paying the state a million don't give a flying fk (if they even know) how much they have to pay for a new door to keep their missus happy.


A cashless society and I'd still have my old door and some verbal gbh from the missus and a lot of people would beless happy.


Next step is contactless payment through your mobile at first ... then your implanted chip and all that is implied by that.



All this is happening under the guise of pensions ... and they expect us all to swallow that.. yeah right




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  • 2 months later...
Getting a cleaner helps you manage some chours you just dont have the time to complete. And you provide employment for someone. Making the world Go round.


I was shocked when a female relative told me that she pays to have her cloths ironed. I would love a cleaner, if I could had the gumption to find a reasonable one.

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People keep thinking that if you hire a cleaner that you are rubbish at tidiness. I disagree. In this age everything is fast paced, and trying to make time for everything is practically impossible. So why not get a helping hand. It is safe to say if you realize that you need a cleaner you are conscience of your enviroment then paying one is as good as doing it yourself ^_^

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I would pay for a cleaner in so much as we could afford to and it would save a lot of time. However, I wouldn't want a stranger having keys to my house and having to go through personal possessions to clean, dust, etc, when I'm out. I wouldn't want them doing it when I'm in either because I'd feel lazy. Hence, we don't employ one.

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Security of personal belonging and information is a crucial area whenever it concerns someone having access to your property. But it helps to have your own set criterias that should be met if you are in search of one...There are precautionary steps you can take as in going through a well know agency ..but there will be a high price attached to that. You can interview the person(s) first before they begin working as well as allowing them to come in when there are people present until you feel comfortable to let them work without supervision.

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