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Evictions at a six year high

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Another one poppy.


You all claim that right-wing propaganda won the election...


Just look at this one. This is the Guardian, generally considered 'reasonable left-wing' paper...





Tenant evictions reach six-year high amid rising rents and benefit cuts


Now look at the photo. The nasty ******* police going to force these people out because they have had their benefits cut


Now read the photo description.


the photo of all these people protesting isn't about rising rents or benefit cuts, it says, and I quote...

Police walk past as activists from Housing Action Southwark and Lambeth resist a family’s eviction from a flat in an estate in south London that had been marked for demolition.




Wake up man. The papers are all at it. People should be taught to think for themselves.

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Do you(OP) think it unfair that all people are treated the same or should there be specific ring fencing of people who should not pay for their homes and live there at the cost of others for as long as they wish.?

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Another one poppy.


You all claim that right-wing propaganda won the election...


Just look at this one. This is the Guardian, generally considered 'reasonable left-wing' paper...





Tenant evictions reach six-year high amid rising rents and benefit cuts


Now look at the photo. The nasty ******* police going to force these people out because they have had their benefits cut


Now read the photo description.


the photo of all these people protesting isn't about rising rents or benefit cuts, it says, and I quote...





Wake up man. The papers are all at it. People should be taught to think for themselves.


So what?!!! The caption under the photo clearly states all that. :confused:

You only need to worry if the caption didn't state that fact.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 08:25 ----------


The number of tenants evicted from their homes is at a six-year high.


That must mean it was higher when Labour was in power.


What difference does it make which government was in power? :confused:

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So what?!!! The caption under the photo clearly states all that. :confused:

You only need to worry if the caption didn't state that fact.


---------- Post added 15-05-2015 at 08:25 ----------



What difference does it make which government was in power? :confused:


Is the story not implying that the situation is the fault of government for cutting benefits.

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Is it siting rented evictions, what is the cause of not being able to pay the rent/mortgage?


These are not the only causes but'


Having accommodation you can't afford when you don't have a job is one common cause.


Not prioritising your spending whatever your income might be is another.


Getting accommodation at a time that you can afford it then later having too many children (and often pets) you can't support is another.



You also might want to consider that the courts have become more sympathetic to the situations that some tenants present their landlords with, breaching tenancy agreements is a common one. Pets, smoking damaging the property and failing to maintain the garden, some tenants do not really understand what bins are for or rubbish removal services.


Before you ask, no I am not a landlord, but I am aware that often to protect some people's preceived rights others (and sometimes the law) forget to protect the actual rights of others.



I imagine there are lots more causes that the conservatives have not 'fixed' in the last 5 years nor have labour fixed in the 10 yrs before that.




Edited by Tommo68
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