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Boston bomber sentenced to death

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So would you become morally insane and defend your family by killing if necessary or hide whilst they are killed?


I think I'd defend them. Unless it's the mother in law. Then I'm hiding in the fish tank with H

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So would you become morally insane and defend your family by killing if necessary or hide whilst they are killed?


That isn't a controlled environment. The death sentence is. If it's morally right why are the victims family not allowed to carry out the death sentence?

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That isn't a controlled environment. The death sentence is. If it's morally right why are the victims family not allowed to carry out the death sentence?


Neither was WW1 and WW2 but Halibut thinks that it is morally insane to defend yourself by killing the enemy.



Is it morally right to provide everything that a murderer needs (food, water, shelter, medical care, entertainment) whilst more deserving people all over the world go without?

Edited by loraward
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Halibut thinks that it is morally insane to defend yourself by killing the enemy.


Word for word I don't see any evidence of that.


Is it morally right to provide everything that a murderer needs (food, water, shelter, medical care, entertainment)


That would depend on how civilized you are as a society as regards to state murder.


whilst more deserving people all over the world go without?


Sorry that old chestnut doesn't cut it, you'll be quoting Nazi'ism or Adolf next.

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Word for word I don't see any evidence of that.


It was his answer to my post.


That would depend on how civilized you are as a society as regards to state murder.
Whats civilized about feeding murders whilst innocent people starve.



Sorry that old chestnut doesn't cut it, you'll be quoting Nazi'ism or Adolf next.


So you can't counter that point with anything sensible.

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Whats civilized about feeding murders whilst innocent people starve.


These are not mutually exclusive propositions.


You can mitigate world hunger without having to starve murderers to death.


i.e. You can feed and clothe murderers in prison, without having to stand idly by whilst people starve to death elsewhere.

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So you can't counter that point with anything sensible.


I didn't have to counter it, as has been pointed out by Phanerothyme, they're not mutually exclusive, I thought that would be obvious, otherwise I could have like you proposed non sensible propositions like you sitting at home eating Jaffa cakes while on a computer with a fridge full of food, and likely a dustbin with enough waste food to nourish a 3rd world starving child is morally wrong.


Maybe you're grandstanding for a 'Moral Bafta'.

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I was disgusted by what happened too. I don't feel any empathy for the surviving bomber either. I've experienced enough pain and grief in the last few years you would not believe it. But I draw the line way above where you do. You misjudged the mood on here. Get over it. You're not a victim.
We're all victims, every single one of us, watching the finish of a marathon, horrified by what we saw, thinking then only pity for the innocents, saving the hatred for a while. I don't want this creep executed, I want him in solitary for the rest of his useless life, sans books, TV, or contact with anybody but the jailers assigned to his care, and on bread and water until he's a raving lunatic with no chance of suicide. Then justice will have been done. Edited by buck
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These are not mutually exclusive propositions.


You can mitigate world hunger without having to starve murderers to death.


i.e. You can feed and clothe murderers in prison, without having to stand idly by whilst people starve to death elsewhere.


The United Nations and countless other organizations are not "standing idly by" and allowing people to starve to death. The United States, Canada, the EU and other first world nations are sending help to just about every stricken place in the world. There is however only so much that can be done to alleviate the horrors that we ourselves and nature inflict upon us but we do try.... yes indeed we do try


This has nothing to do with a murderous scumbag on death row so lets not get the two mixed up.


Unfortunately in the States the death penalty will most likely be abolished in every state within the next ten fifteen years outset. The signs are already there.


Unfortunately also horrible crimes will continue so the government (ie me and millions of others) will pay part of our taxes to support the perpetrators in continuing to live their useless lives in an environment that feeds, shelters, clothes and takes care of their every need. They'll build muscles working out in prisons gyms, tattoos done, a pastor to counsel them and some will even appear on television documentaries flexing their biceps before the camera and telling the interviewer how at last "they've found Jesus"


Meanwhile the troubled souls who never harmed anyone, the mentally challenged those who fell by the wayside through drugs or alcohol, the vets trying to deal with PTSD will live on the streets never knowing where their next nights rest or meal will come from as the world passes them by


Make sense of that if you will


---------- Post added 01-06-2015 at 05:39 ----------


We're all victims, every single one of us, watching the finish of a marathon, horrified by what we saw, thinking then only pity for the innocents, saving the hatred for a while. I don't want this creep executed, I want him in solitary for the rest of his useless life, sans books, TV, or contact with anybody but the jailers assigned to his care, and on bread and water until he's a raving lunatic with no chance of suicide. Then justice will have been done.


There should be a spot reserved for him at Pelican Bay, California. He'd be more than happy to be in solitary when he sees who his fellow inmates are.

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