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Boston bomber sentenced to death

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Surely if you are claiming the moral high ground as a "civilised" society you have to evidence that claim?


One doesn't need evidence to understand the idea that expressing your dissaproval of killing by killing is insane.

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It would have been nice to have cut him up in pieces and shipped them back to his horrible old mother in Ubekistan or whichever one of those dump Russian republics she lives in


Primitive I grant you but bloody satisfying :D :D


This post chills my blood. Terrible.

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This post chills my blood. Terrible.


It is terrible and it typifies the stupidity of capital punishment.

Harley approves of dismemberment and punishing the innocent - notice any similarities between Harley and the Boston bombers anyone?

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“A history of false flag attacks used to manipulate the minds of the people! “In individuals, insanity is rare; but in groups, parties, nations, and epochs it is the rule.”

― Friedrich Nietzsche


And here's former political consultant to Clinton highlighting how we need to be skeptical about the information being presented.


I see many here are taken in by the propaganda and unfortunately people make up their minds about groups/individuals/religions based on what they "see".


oh look a youtube video as proof of a false flag attack :P

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