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2 budgets in one year, 1 in march and 8th july

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That is the case now, my missus got 6 months JSA which was stopped after 26 weeks, and that was under New Liebour.




Will will have been contribution based. If you are working (guessing you are?) and have over a certain income, she wouldn't get income based.

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They are looking at a cap of benefits at £23k, down from £26k.


Also looking at tax credits. I think some in receipt of that will be targeted, others not. The self-employed who are drawing tax credits to top up income are a primary target. Currently they can't be controlled with conditionality around hours worked etc... but an attempt will be made. Expect them to lose tax credits if they are not earning enough through their businesses, along with perhaps a compulsory direction to seek supplementary work or prove they are looking for it.


Expect too another bite at the cherry with child benefit.


And radical changes to statutory sick pay and maternity pay.


Housing benefit may also be targeted, to a degree.


Finally, expect benefits and tax credit levels to be regionally set.


This is going to hit a lot of working families like a freight train.


Targeting self employed and aspirational is against what they've been on about to win the election so I guess that makes them liars Doesn't it?


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 09:17 ----------


It is time to realize that the cuts are not going to just hit the unemployed or disabled, take a look at the figures and most cuts in that area are nowhere near enough to bring £12bn in changes.


One thing about falling unemployment and further cuts is that your target is getting smaller and smaller and sooner or later they will have to target something that a larger portion of the population receives.


There are stark warnings from the IFS etc telling the middle classes to brace themselves for some uncomfortable changes.....and lets face it after all the big society is about all being in it together.


It's funny that the HB bill rose so much during large buyouts of council housing and pushes into private rent, mismanagement perhaps?.


When the welfare state is wiped out, and the cuts keep on coming where do we go next?.


Yep middle earners with kids to single mums...All hit hard,


The poor productivity nonsense is an excuse to take away the safety net for disabled, self employed, low earners...of course there has to be work in the economy for this to be effective, it's all lies and spin Basically.

Edited by ubermaus
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I don't consider the Guardian (the none tax paying labour rag) as a credible source of anything political just like The (Hate) Mail.


They've backed the LibDems for the last five years. In fact in the 2010 election they urged their readership to vote LibDem.

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Who me?....I think not...


Haha no not you, how could you with a post average of nearly 5 posts a day, every day for the last 7 years!


---------- Post added 18-05-2015 at 09:43 ----------


They've backed the LibDems for the last five years. In fact in the 2010 election they urged their readership to vote LibDem.


Yes, but until then they backed Labour for how many years? And after the 2010 election, who did they return to backing?


I still wouldn't trust the Daily Mail on political matters even if it suddenly started supporting the Fluffy Kitten Party.

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