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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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I caught a bit of Question time other night -Labour bloke cant remember his name Basics said they got it wrong when in power and Overspent !! now correct me if im wrong Torries have to get the money back some how and only way to do it is make cuts , I don't agree with some of the cuts -But if Labour dint mess it in the first place then they might not be a problem.


As for voting - that's a odd one when UKIP can only get 1 mp for nearly four million votes and labour get four thousand and get a mp -I think it stated on the programme. but saying all that not sure I trust any of them:):hihi:


But we didnt have a recession rivalling the great depression because labour may have overspent on some bits of the economy. There was a global financial crisis which effected more than just the uk.

I feel labour are veing made the scapegoats for something which would have happened under the tories also.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 01:55 ----------


Agree about ukip. Dont like the policies but 1 seat for 4 million votes is a disgrace.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 02:00 ----------



Didnt see many people complaining about labour when they were making a killing on their property between 1997 and 2007 with access to finance and living standards shooting up.

We didnt have a recession rivalling the great depression because labour may have overspent on some bits of the economy. There was a global financial crisis which effected more than just the uk.

labour are being made the scapegoats for something which would have happened under the tories also.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 01:55 ----------


Agree about ukip. Dont like the policies but 1 seat for 4 million votes is a disgrace.

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Its exactly a two horse race under the current system so why is it silly to want change? Germany do coalitions and they havent done too badly so whats wrong with multiple parties or multiple elections?

Too many voters fall thru the cracks and have no voice.Even high volume outside party voters are marginalised.

Greens and ukip only got 2 seats despite winning 5 million votes. Its a disgrace.


Ultimately the tories now form the policies everyone else has to follow despite not getting many votes or anyone apart from a hardcore south wanting them to govern us and millions rejecting austerity.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 01:42 ----------


Face it, the political system is broken. And the only way to change it is to shake up westminster. A street protest is just the beginning.


From what I see so far, they don't want change. They just want "Tories out" They want "stop austerity" without any realistic ideas of how we get the country back on track and the deficit reduced.


Where are all these people campaigning for for PR to be introduced. For the fifth time I ask you where were all these people campaigning for PR to be introduced and screaming about the unfair system during 2010, 2005, 2001, 1997, 1992.....


As for "hardcore south" I think you need to take a closer look. There are whole swathes of Lincolnshire, East Yorkshire, Central and West Wales, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Boarders, North Yorkshire and Cumbria who are showing blue. Add to that virtually all of Devon and Cornwall turning tory which is far far away from the riches for London and SE and that's standardised response of not representing people outside the South East is horse crap.


Look, I have said that I am not totally against some kind of shake up and I too have no problem with PR, I would quite welcome it. Coalitions have happened before and would happen again.


However, don't let think for one second that 27 different groups should and would have balanced representation in the house without any clear leadership. That's just ridiculous.


I say again, someone has to be leader.

Edited by ECCOnoob
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From what I see so far, they don't want change. They just want "Tories out" They want "stop austerity" without any realistic ideas of how we get the country back on track and the deficit reduced.


Where are all these people campaigning for for PR to be introduced. For the fifth time I ask you where were all these people campaigning for PR to be introduced and screaming about the unfair system during 2010, 2005, 2001, 1997, 1992.....


As for "hardcore south" I think you need to take a closer look. There are whole swathes of Lincolnshire, East Yorkshire, Central and West Wales, Lancashire, Derbyshire, Boarders, North Yorkshire and Cumbria who are showing blue. Add to that virtually all of Devon and Cornwall turning tory which is far far way from the riches for London and SE and that's standardised response of not representing people outside the South East is horse crap.


Look, I have said that I am not totally against some kind of shake up and I too have no problem with PR, I would quite welcome it. Coalitions have happened before and would happen again.


However, don't let think for one second that 27 different groups should and would have balanced representation in the house without any clear leadership. That's just ridiculous.


I say again, someone has to be leader.


I say devolve powers to north or places like sheff then. Why should sheffield for example with no conservative mps and virtually no conservative counsellors be governed and dictated to and punished by the tories essentially for being labour?

Thats just common sense.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 02:10 ----------


On the run up to the ge, pr wasnt on the agenda. The ge has highlighted the urgency to get back to that debate.

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I say devolve powers to north or places like sheff then. Why should sheffield for example with no conservative mps and virtually no conservative counsellors be governed and dictated to and punished by the tories essentially for being labour?

Thats just common sense.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 02:10 ----------


On the run up to the ge, pr wasnt on the agenda. The ge has highlighted the urgency to get back to that debate.


Devolved powers are coming. Its been on the conservative agenda and is already happening in other cities.


Here is an interesting thought based on the recent figures. In your scenario, I could argue that Labour shouldn't have any power.


58% of the people in my constituency did not vote for them. Its totally unfair that they won and people like me don't have a voice and Labour gets control of the council.


Would you agree?

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I doubt they were protesting about the election results. I expect they were protesting about tory policies that hit the poor and attack the disabled and vulnerable.


Policies that the largest single section of the electorate have voted for in the recent election.


The electorate have made their choice and we have to live with that.


If people are protesting Tory policies they are protesting the result of the election. What do you think people vote for in an election? Who looks nicest in a suit?


These rabble-rousing lefties are a bit like the U.S. government. They love democracy. They really do. As long the the side they support wins.

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I think you will find that tory policy is aimed at encouraging the people who can work do go out and do so. Unfortunately the people who can work but choose not to don't have it tattooed on their foreheads. For this reason everybody who genuinely need benefits has to suffer, the disabled, vulnerable people and people who generally have fallen, through no fault of their own, on bad times.


And before any of the benefit worker apologisers come on saying its only 0.0000000000000001% of people who do that, they need to get a grip of reality because that simply isn't true, I know loads of people who do it, and the government know it too.


The only thing these people should be protesting about is the people who take the mick.


Spot on.

The whinging left go on about "greedy bankers" but the really greedy people aren't those who work hard to better themselves, but the lazy spongers who think they have a right to live off others hard work.

And if the whinging left really cared about the vulnerable, they would support measures to stop lazy spongers taking money out of a pot aimed at helping the needy.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 07:52 ----------


But we didnt have a recession rivalling the great depression because labour may have overspent on some bits of the economy. There was a global financial crisis which effected more than just the uk.

I feel labour are veing made the scapegoats for something which would have happened under the tories also.



I do wish you would stop spouting your nonsense as if its a fact, which, if you consider the evidence, it clearly isn't.

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Anyone seen the protests today in Sheffield against the Tories. Outside the town hall. Do they not realise that we have had a democratic election result? It was the usual rent a mob SWP and labour politicians spitting their dummies out.


Are you being ironic? Protesting is part of your democratic right. I bet you said nothing when you were there did you but rushed home to start your gleeful little thread. Get a life, pal.

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Are you being ironic? Protesting is part of your democratic right. I bet you said nothing when you were there did you but rushed home to start your gleeful little thread. Get a life, pal.


I agree - democracy doesn't happen on just one day in every 5 years. People in this country still have the right to protest (just).

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Devolved powers are coming. Its been on the conservative agenda and is already happening in other cities.


Here is an interesting thought based on the recent figures. In your scenario, I could argue that Labour shouldn't have any power.


58% of the people in my constituency did not vote for them. Its totally unfair that they won and people like me don't have a voice and Labour gets control of the council.


Would you agree?


U seem obsessed with labour. devolve powers to regions and cities whoever it might be.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 08:52 ----------


Devolve powers, and then what? It wouldn't give the areas any more money to spend!


With fiscal powers it would.

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