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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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I lost a lot of money under the last Labour government but I did not go into the street and protest about it I used my democratic right to vote for an alternative party.I did not vote Conservative either but in a democratic society you have to accept defeat if your party of choice loses.No amount of protesting will make the government change their minds.


Really? Do you not remember the Poll Tax?....So yes protest can and does change government minds.


Fall of Thatcher[edit]

The riot in central London did much to contribute to the downfall of Margaret Thatcher, who resigned as Prime Minister on November 28 the same year. The national opposition to the poll tax (especially vehement in the North of England and Scotland) was the major factor; an opinion poll had found 78% opposed to it.[8] John Major, who succeeded Thatcher, announced that the tax would be abolished.


Abandonment of the poll tax[edit]

John Major announced in his first parliamentary speech as Prime Minister that the poll tax was to be replaced by Council Tax. The new tax took no account of the income earned by the taxpayer, but did take into account the value of the property on which the householder was taxed. The anti-poll tax movement believed direct action was at least partially responsible for the change in government policy



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Firstly the countryside alliance march wasnt a direct result of the 97 general election. It came later when they were unhappy about the hunting ban. So they were campaigning on an issue rather than the result of an election where a government has only been in a few days.


Secondly the BNP and EDL marches did not include tory politicians. Some of our wonderful councillors were at this particular protest so it wasnt just the SWP rent a mob but labour too.


The tories have never objected to and protested against a result of a general election.


Everyone was saying the socialists were marching, not Labour, and if you look again you'll see that at least 2 member of the current cabinet were on the march in 2002. The socialists aren't protesting about a Tory government per se, but about what they Tories are planning to do such as opt out of the human rights act etc, not so very different to when the CA marched to voice opposition to the, then planned, hunting ban.

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protests bring the issue into the public domain...look at this thread. If thousands of people did this every week the government would sit up and take notice.


---------- Post added 18-05-2015 at 12:52 ----------


We can both agree it was a bit pointless though :)


two words POLL TAX

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protests bring the issue into the public domain...look at this thread. If thousands of people did this every week the government would sit up and take notice.


---------- Post added 18-05-2015 at 12:52 ----------



two words POLL TAX




Those were matches against a policy, this was merely a march because, erm... they didnt like the election result. What were they campaigning for, a recount? A re-run of the election?

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Those were matches against a policy, this was merely a march because, erm... they didnt like the election result. What were they campaigning for, a recount? A re-run of the election?


you said protests are pointless...history tells us thats not the case.

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So how did the "protest" on Saturday benefit anybody?


It's a way of registering strong disagreement with the government's stated policies. In my opinion, one of the problems with politicians these days is that they mostly exist in their own bubble, not connected with the reality of most people's lives: a protest is one way of trying to get through to them that there is a problem with what they're doing.

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