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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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They aren't just protesting against the Tories, they are protesting against austerity.


They aren't really clued up enough to realise that Labour would have continued with austerity or that Labours jobs for the boys/girls caused over spending that has now necessitated the cuts.


Doesn't help that SCC are still stirring about cuts whilst still refusing to slash their army of middle ranking Labour voting pen pushers.

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Why is that . ?


I take it you arnt a lover of us countryside folk

People that turn out those words and anger are usually suffering from deep seated unresolved issues mainly from childhood where their needs were never met..........so the story goes!
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80% didnt vote tory. Get over it. Right wing whingers.


Do you think people are so stupid they would believe your lies?


36.82% of the electorate who voted, voted for the Cons. That leaves 63.18% that didn't vote for them, not 80%. You really need to check your maths or go back to school as your understanding would make a primary school child embarrassed.


Look at it this way, only 43% voted for Labour, Lib Dem and Greens combined. So the left wing parties didn't even gain a statistical majority if you tally up ALL their votes.


You are nothing more than a left wing whiner who is desperate to find something to make you feel better for losing the election.

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Do you think people are so stupid they would believe your lies?


36.82% of the electorate who voted, voted for the Cons. That leaves 63.18% that didn't vote for them, not 80%. You really need to check your maths or go back to school as your understanding would make a primary school child embarrassed.


Look at it this way, only 43% voted for Labour, Lib Dem and Greens combined. So the left wing parties didn't even gain a statistical majority if you tally up ALL their votes.


You are nothing more than a left wing whiner who is desperate to find something to make you feel better for losing the election.


Which considering the raft of unpopular Tory policies and quite severe cuts its quite an achievement milliband lost.

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