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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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The public havent spoken. 75% of just over 60% didnt want this govt.

85% of the pop...hardly democratic. The current system is a disgrace


Would you be saying that if Labour won? Where were you banging on about the disgrace of the system prior to this election?


Have you been out screaming for PR all these years???

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So what?


More than that DID NOT vote for labour either. Until the system changes its the same results process as has been for all the other elections in the past.


None of this fuss seemed to happen when Labour won with the SAME SYSTEM in the 1997 or 2001 or 2005 or even the coalition results of 2010 come to think of it.


Its a load of lefties whining and whinging just because the Tories have took control for a change. Time to get over yourselves. Concentrate on getting your "way" in 5 years time if you are so passionate. I have very little belief that more than a handful of those on the streets chanting have actually been affected by any of the supposed austerity. Hardly looked destitute any of them.


The public have spoken.


Tories won most seats and highest number of votes. Nearly 2 million more votes than labour and over 2.5 million more than SNP/UKIP/Liberal and Greens votes combined.


That's how it works at present and nothing these idiots with their "tories out" cardboard signs will change that.


Have a gawp mugshot!


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Would you be saying that if Labour won? Where were you banging on about the disgrace of the system prior to this election?


Have you been out screaming for PR all these years???


So is the voting system democratic or not when 85% dont get a voice? Sounds like you who is protesting against democracy.

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And it was Labour that bailed them out! I wouldn't have given them anything. Let poorly run banks fail.


The banks hold the savings of people like us, and the funds of the businesses we rely on for employment, so bailing them out was essential. Without it we'd have been in an even bigger mess. There's a lot of complaint about austerity, but the folks in Greece, Portugal, Ireland, and Spain think we're in relative paradise compared with them - which is why quite a lot of them are now over here.


Incidentally, Lloyds will soon be back in full private ownership and the government may end up in profit. RBS is another story.


That all said, I can't get my head around the massive bonus culture prevalent in the City, and that applies to corporate lawyers, accountants and a few other groups as well as bankers - all of whom seem to be very well paid to start with. Then there are Premiership footballers........but best stop there, I could go on all night.

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Personally I have no objection to some kind of PR system. Accordingly to recent dummy results Cameron would still have been likely PM and would have had first crack at forming a government anyway.


At the end of the day, its nothing but a popularity contest. We vote for a candidate in our respective areas either for their personality or their party. The most seats wins. Who gives a toss what the people who voted for a losing candidate think. Its not their say.




Millions of people vote for some talentless drone on the x-factor. Some vote for person A. Some vote for person B or C. You really think those who vote for B and C have a right to kick off and change the result because A got the most votes???


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 00:32 ----------


So is the voting system democratic or not when 85% dont get a voice? Sounds like you who is protesting against democracy.




That is the system. What part of this are you not understanding?


This has been the way for decades. If people want change so badly why they hell were they not protesting for all the previous elections.


Its just cos its a tory government init.


Look at it this way. My constituency was a typical Labour Hold. Over 7000 more people DID NOT vote for labour over those who did. That's 58% of the populous in my area "not getting a voice". Can I go out and protest on the housing estates about how unfair it all is?? Maybe all the losing voters in all 650 constituencies should do that eh? Now that would be true democracy?? Shame that no government would ever get formed eh but....

Edited by ECCOnoob
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I expect they were protesting about tory policies that hit the poor and attack the disabled and vulnerable.


I think you will find that tory policy is aimed at encouraging the people who can work do go out and do so. Unfortunately the people who can work but choose not to don't have it tattooed on their foreheads. For this reason everybody who genuinely need benefits has to suffer, the disabled, vulnerable people and people who generally have fallen, through no fault of their own, on bad times.


And before any of the benefit worker apologisers come on saying its only 0.0000000000000001% of people who do that, they need to get a grip of reality because that simply isn't true, I know loads of people who do it, and the government know it too.


The only thing these people should be protesting about is the people who take the mick.

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Personally I have no objection to some kind of PR system. Accordingly to recent dummy results Cameron would still have been likely PM and would have had first crack at forming a government anyway.


At the end of the day, its nothing but a popularity contest. We vote for a candidate in our respective areas either for their personality or their party. The most seats wins. Who gives a toss what the people who voted for a losing candidate think. Its not their say.




Millions of people vote for some talentless drone on the x-factor. Some vote for person A. Some vote for person B or C. You really think those who vote for B and C have a right to kick off and change the result because A got the most votes???


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 00:32 ----------





That is the system. What part of this are you not understanding?


This has been the way for decades. If people want change so badly why they hell were they not protesting for all the previous elections.


Its just cos its a tory government init.


Look at it this way. My constituency was a typical Labour Hold. Over 7000 people DID NOT vote for labour in my area. That's 58% of the populous in my area "not getting a voice". Can I got out and protest on the housing estates about how unfair it all is??

Sounds like ur the kind of passive voter the two main parties love.

I understand the system. The current systems wrong if 85% are not represented. Looks like a lot of people want big changes.

I fully back protests, strikes and making noise, non violent or otherwise if needs be to get these idiots at westminster to listen.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 00:47 ----------


Devolved powers, dismantling the political elite etc. Who knows what you will get through people power.

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Sounds like ur the kind of passive voter the two main parties love.

I understand the system. The current systems wrong if 85% are not represented. Looks like a lot of people want big changes.

I fully back protests, strikes and making noise, non violent or otherwise if needs be to get these idiots at westminster to listen.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 00:47 ----------


Devolved powers, dismantling the political elite etc. Who knows what you will get through people power.



Devolved powers are already coming. As for all this political "elite" guff, please spare us.


Like it or not, someone has to take charge. It cannot be a mirrored parliament utopia where every single day to day decision is put to a public democratic vote.


The UK election has a total of 27 different potential groups which people can vote for be them "parties" or "other candidates"


It is totally logical that over the course of 27 options the COMBINED votes of those losing parties would be higher than the total votes of the ONE winning party.


But lets be sensible here. 26 "combined" figures vs 1 "winning" figure is not a realistic comparison.


We can all scream about not getting who we wanted or more didn't want xxxx but how else is it supposed to work. The election would never end.


Its not a two horse race and there has to be a clear winner at some stage otherwise what is the point. What exactly are people bothering to vote for.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 01:06 ----------


Lets try to flatten this issue once and for all here.


Ok, so these silly people are out having their tantrum on the street because the tories got in. They have 331 members in the house and a small majority allowing them to form a government.


BUT, they are missing a really big point.


In that house there are still 319 NON TORY members sitting there. That's 319 non tory people with their mouths who can speak up on behalf of their consituants who choose to vote them in. That's 319 non tory members who, if they so choose, can vote against any proposal the government bring in. That's 319 non tory members who can chant, question, petition against and generally open their gobs against anything they don't like about the government.


Why all this talk about "not having a voice" and "people not represented".


319 people in that house are not tory. Its still a big enough crowd isn't it.


Its up to those 319 non tory MPs to do what they are paid to do and stand up for their allegedly hard done by voters.

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Devolved powers are already coming. As for all this political "elite" guff, please spare us.


Like it or not, someone has to take charge. It cannot be a mirrored parliament utopia where every single day to day decision is put to a public democratic vote.


The UK election has a total of 27 different potential groups which people can vote for be them "parties" or "other candidates"


It is totally logical that over the course of 27 options the COMBINED votes of those losing parties would be higher than the total votes of the ONE winning party.


But lets be sensible here. 26 "combined" figures vs 1 "winning" figure is not a realistic comparison.


We can all scream about not getting who we wanted or more didn't want xxxx but how else is it supposed to work. The election would never end.


Its not a two horse race and there has to be a clear winner at some stage otherwise what is the point. What exactly are people bothering to vote for.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 01:06 ----------


Lets try to flatten this issue once and for all here.


Ok, so these silly people are out having their tantrum on the street because the tories got in. They have 331 members in the house and a small majority allowing them to form a government.


BUT, they are missing a really big point.


In that house there are still 319 NON TORY members sitting there. That's 319 non tory people with their mouths who can speak up on behalf of their consituants who choose to vote them in. That's 319 non tory members who, if they so choose, can vote against any proposal the government bring in. That's 319 non tory members who can chant, question, petition against and generally open their gobs against anything they don't like about the government.


Why all this talk about "not having a voice" and "people not represented".


319 people in that house are not tory. Its still a big enough crowd isn't it.


Its up to those 319 non tory MPs to do what they are paid to do and stand up for their allegedly hard done by voters.


Its exactly a two horse race under the current system so why is it silly to want change? Germany do coalitions and they havent done too badly so whats wrong with multiple parties or multiple elections?

Too many voters fall thru the cracks and have no voice.Even high volume outside party voters are marginalised.

Greens and ukip only got 2 seats despite winning 5 million votes. Its a disgrace.


Ultimately the tories now form the policies everyone else has to follow despite not getting many votes or anyone apart from a hardcore south wanting them to govern us and millions rejecting austerity.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 01:42 ----------


Face it, the political system is broken. And the only way to change it is to shake up westminster. A street protest is just the beginning.

Edited by ubermaus
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I caught a bit of Question time other night -Labour bloke cant remember his name Basics said they got it wrong when in power and Overspent !! now correct me if im wrong Torries have to get the money back some how and only way to do it is make cuts , I don't agree with some of the cuts -But if Labour dint mess it in the first place then they might not be a problem.


As for voting - that's a odd one when UKIP can only get 1 mp for nearly four million votes and labour get four thousand and get a mp -I think it stated on the programme. but saying all that not sure I trust any of them:):hihi:

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