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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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I think you will find that tory policy is aimed at encouraging the people who can work do go out and do so. Unfortunately the people who can work but choose not to don't have it tattooed on their foreheads. For this reason everybody who genuinely need benefits has to suffer, the disabled, vulnerable people and people who generally have fallen, through no fault of their own, on bad times.


Yet the genuinely disabled and vulnerable are being denied their benefits, many committing suicide as a result-




The DWP are incapable of distinguishing the genuine from the fake, their procedures are inept and they are not fit for purpose. The govt does not care about this, their only focus is on cutting the benefits bill, and, when the genuinely vulnerable die as a result, it is not considered a problem.


The consequences of the DWP and companies like ATOS ineptness (i.e. vulnerable people dying are well known and well documented.

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Spot on.

The whinging left go on about "greedy bankers" but the really greedy people aren't those who work hard to better themselves, but the lazy spongers who think they have a right to live off others hard work.

And if the whinging left really cared about the vulnerable, they would support measures to stop lazy spongers taking money out of a pot aimed at helping the needy.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 07:52 ----------



I do wish you would stop spouting your nonsense as if its a fact, which, if you consider the evidence, it clearly isn't.


Which bit, the fact there was a global financial crisis? Why do you keep going on about whingers and lazy left in every post, is that all you can come up with?


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 08:58 ----------


Are you being ironic? Protesting is part of your democratic right. I bet you said nothing when you were there did you but rushed home to start your gleeful little thread. Get a life, pal.


Second that. Get a life.

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U seem obsessed with labour. devolve powers to regions and cities whoever it might be.


You are not answering the question.


You have just spent time complaining that despite the tories winning most votes and most seats, its all unfair. More % of the electorate didn't want them over those who did. Therefore the result is totally unfair, there should be massive reforms and more balance in the house. The people are not represented...blah blah.


You have then said:

I say devolve powers to north or places like sheff then. Why should sheffield for example with no conservative mps and virtually no conservative counsellors be governed and dictated to and punished by the tories essentially for being labour?


I am trying to put your points into practice.


Answer the question!


In my area 58% of people DID NOT vote for labour and yet despite that, they took control. Based on your own comments - Is that fair??


Why should 58% of the electorate be stuck with a labour leading council they never wanted. - how should this be made more democratic??


You keep talking about devolved powers and a better democratic system. In that case, why are you seemingly against devolution to councils with a democratically elected mayor. After all, you said this right....


It's a diversion tactic to move responsibility away from the cons for cuts. I vote no mayor.


I really don't know what you want.

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You are not answering the question.


You have just spent time complaining that despite the tories winning most votes and most seats, its all unfair. More % of the electorate didn't want them over those who did. Therefore the result is totally unfair, there should be massive reforms and more balance in the house. The people are not represented...blah blah.


You have then said:



I am trying to put your points into practice.


Answer the question!


In my area 58% of people DID NOT vote for labour and yet despite that, they took control. Based on your own comments - Is that fair??


Why should 58% of the electorate be stuck with a labour leading council they never wanted. - how should this be made more democratic??


You keep talking about devolved powers and a better democratic system. In that case, why are you seemingly against devolution to councils with a democratically elected mayor. After all, you said this right....




I really don't know what you want.


To answer your question, no not fair. And that's why a reform of voting system is needed, you just proved my point. There's lots of ways you can do this, a preferential system is one.


I'm against appointing a political head like a mayor just to absolve this got of responsibility For the massive and devastating cuts to come. It's nothing more than a token gesture. Why can't the tories own their Actions?


It goes beyond left and right too, a conservative lead council letter was sent to Osborne warning that severe cuts would destroy communities, services and target the most vulnerable. That doesn't sound like a ringing endorsement of austerity and thats coming from their own party Members at ground level. OLOR="Silver"]


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 11:01 ----------


[/color]All this and lest we forget the last govt failed to deliver on their core promise to balance the books, they were 50% away, only cutting 2nd a year. Now its 12bn. What if they fail again this time? Another 5 years of austerity.

Edited by ubermaus
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UK uses old middle-aged electorate systems that is not really democratic.

My mom told me there was a program on telly in Netherlands about what it would be like in holland if they used UK system. People were laughing and screaming at how ridiculous and unfair this election system here is. It is rather stupid and old fashioned how votes are counted here.

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Wasn't in the city yesterday but can anyone tell me was anyone protesting for a change in the electoral system or was it just Tories out Tories out Tories out.


I suspect had Labour won the election, yesterday's protest would not have happened.

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Wasn't in the city yesterday but can anyone tell me was anyone protesting for a change in the electoral system or was it just Tories out Tories out Tories out.


I suspect had Labour won the election, yesterday's protest would not have happened.


They obviously don't like the tories.

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Are people forgetting that a few years ago the whole country went to the polls as to whether we should have a system of PR, and the majority of people said NO?


It wasn't for PR, it was for AV. We ended up with the same BS :hihi:

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I hope all the ones complaining that the majority did not vote for this government (I think it happens every election including local elections) voted for the PR system when we had a vote on it a few years ago.I did vote for it but anybody who did not and are now complaining about it have got what they voted for.

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