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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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I hope all the ones complaining that the majority did not vote for this government (I think it happens every election including local elections) voted for the PR system when we had a vote on it a few years ago.I did vote for it but anybody who did not and are now complaining about it have got what they voted for.


I hope all the ones complaining actually bothered to vote too. Though I suspect a lot of them didnt. The SWP for example are happy to scream and shout yet never field any candidates in the election.

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Do they not realise that we have had a democratic election result?


This statement is highly debateable


Hence the protests


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 16:09 ----------


I suspect had Labour won the election, yesterday's protest would not have happened


I agree


Because the labour party aren't a bunch of smug ********

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Are people forgetting that a few years ago the whole country went to the polls as to whether we should have a system of PR, and the majority of people said NO?
I hope all the ones complaining that the majority did not vote for this government (I think it happens every election including local elections) voted for the PR system when we had a vote on it a few years ago.I did vote for it but anybody who did not and are now complaining about it have got what they voted for.
No one has ever voted whether we should have a system of proportional representation in this country because we've never been given this option at a referendum.


PR was removed from the list of options at the last referendum and we were offered FPTP or the Alternative Vote, nothing else.


So no, people are not forgetting going to the polls to vote on PR because they didn't go to the polls to vote on PR, they voted on AV or FPTP.

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No, I've complained about the voting system every time, regardless of who wins, even on those rare occasions when I voted for the winner.


I can't speak for everyone else though.

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Because the Labour party are seen as fairer to society as a whole


Instead of to a few rich buffoons


That is a debateable statement that the Labour party are fairer.I was financially worse off under them than I am now and I am not a rich man,i am not poor but not rich by any stretch of the imagination.I work long hours because I wanted a better quality of life but the tax system was totally unsuitable.I had the bizarre situation where I could not have a pay rise or do any overtime because it put me into the next tax bracket and I ended up with less money than I had before.I do not understand the big jumps in tax because you are just over the limit.The tax percentage should stay the same all the way through, you would still pay more if you were earning more.That stopped me from trying to get further up the ladder as I was financially worse off.

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So it all boils down to Tories win and the way we elect is unfair.


Labour win and everything's just fine as it is.


Because that's what it's coming across as.


The tories would of won under pr too, but then again would more people voted under a different System?

5 million votes and just 2 seats that's ridiculous. I'd be gutted if I'd voted u kip.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 16:01 ----------


Because the Labour party are seen as fairer to society as a whole


Instead of to a few rich buffoons


Am marginally richer under cons, but then again am not disabled or on Jsa Or in the public sector or,,,, well the list goes on.


---------- Post added 17-05-2015 at 16:02 ----------


That is a debateable statement that the Labour party are fairer.I was financially worse off under them than I am now and I am not a rich man,i am not poor but not rich by any stretch of the imagination.I work long hours because I wanted a better quality of life but the tax system was totally unsuitable.I had the bizarre situation where I could not have a pay rise or do any overtime because it put me into the next tax bracket and I ended up with less money than I had before.I do not understand the big jumps in tax because you are just over the limit.The tax percentage should stay the same all the way through, you would still pay more if you were earning more.That stopped me from trying to get further up the ladder as I was financially worse off.


Work should always pay. I don't see much between the two main parties in that sense,

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Because the Labour party are seen as fairer to society as a whole


Instead of to a few rich buffoons


Those 'few' rich buffoons must outnumber the whining socialists though. Otherwise Labore would have won the election, wouldn't they.


It's the reason the opinion polls got it so wrong, the vocal minority, who shout loudest and throw tantrums when they don't get their way, are outnumbered by the silent, law abiding majority.


The majority who keep their heads down, work hard and pay their taxes.

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