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Protests today in Sheffield (16-05-2015)

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It really made an impression on us. The police had to unexpectedly close Pinstone Street because of the protestors milling about in the road. Our bus was held up which caused us to miss a train.


The protest cost us sixty pounds.


I'd have thought you'd have been on here a bit sooner to tell that fib.

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Suppose thats the unions for you - had Labour won you wouldnt have heard a peep out of them, but oh no.


The same unions that tell its members to vote Labour even if the candidate was a donkey with a red rosette pinned to it.

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Suppose thats the unions for you - had Labour won you wouldnt have heard a peep out of them, but oh no.


The same unions that tell its members to vote Labour even if the candidate was a donkey with a red rosette pinned to it.


How did you come to that overall conclusion? Not all union's are affiliated to Labour. There are 51 affiliated to the TUC and around 15 of them are affiliated to Labour, so some may, and that depends on how they use their political fund.

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Should have got off and walked down the hill. Not the point, but you know what I mean.


We wanted to but it was stuck halfway across the West Street and Leopold Street junction and the driver wouldn't let people off the bus because it was between stops. It seemed a bit "jobsworth" but his point was that he would lose his job if he opened the door and somebody got hurt.


I'd have thought you'd have been on here a bit sooner to tell that fib.


Were you one of the people stood in the street? People like you don't care about anyone except yourself and even then you expect everyone else to do what's convenient to you. You then try to make out the people who won't dance to your tune as the baddies, just like those protesters who inconvenienced others and cost them money at the weekend.

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Sheffield is actually in a bit of a bubble


You only need to travel a few miles into North Derbyshire or North Yorkshire to realise just how Tory England actually is. Just look at blue England: http://ronunz.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/uk-electoral-map-2010-2015.png


Protesting against the popular will is undemocratic, especially so soon after an election. People need to make intellectual arguments to try and shift the masses - a very long term project.


Some people don't have that long, there have been a considerable number of suicides as a consequence of the welfare reforms, including a man who shot himself here in Sheffield, but the state broadcaster, the BBC ignores that.

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We wanted to but it was stuck halfway across the West Street and Leopold Street junction and the driver wouldn't let people off the bus because it was between stops. It seemed a bit "jobsworth" but his point was that he would lose his job if he opened the door and somebody got hurt.




Were you one of the people stood in the street? People like you don't care about anyone except yourself and even then you expect everyone else to do what's convenient to you. You then try to make out the people who won't dance to your tune as the baddies, just like those protesters who inconvenienced others and cost them money at the weekend.


Sorry to spoil it for you but I wasn't there. Seeing as you detest these people I find it odd that you didn't tell your tale a bit sooner. You were on here on Saturday and yesterday but never mentioned it. If a group of people I disliked intensely made me miss a train and put me sixty quid out of pocket I'd be on here pronto with all guns blazing!

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No because they are all chanting tories out. Yet they got elected. They cannot ever accept democracy and think ooh maybe we should change and have different policies leaders etc its our fault. Instead they blame the electorate fro the result.


But surely a democracy means that EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion and entitled to voice that opinion in any way they choose provided it's legal.

The demonstration was not illegal.

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But surely a democracy means that EVERYONE is entitled to an opinion and entitled to voice that opinion in any way they choose provided it's legal.

The demonstration was not illegal.


We can both agree it was a bit pointless though :)

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Ah of course, the ring wingers never protest when they lose do they?




Please note I've been polite and haven't bothered listing the EDL or BNP ones.


Firstly the countryside alliance march wasnt a direct result of the 97 general election. It came later when they were unhappy about the hunting ban. So they were campaigning on an issue rather than the result of an election where a government has only been in a few days.


Secondly the BNP and EDL marches did not include tory politicians. Some of our wonderful councillors were at this particular protest so it wasnt just the SWP rent a mob but labour too.


The tories have never objected to and protested against a result of a general election.

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