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What classes of human will we apply lower values to?

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And that's got to be one of the issues doesn't it? We value people who simply generate money far more highly than we do people who save our lives, whether that be police, fireman, nurses or doctors. All are hugely underpaid compared to investment bankers. We pay people based on their value to GDP not on their value to the community.


You see it as an issue, personally I don't. They chose those jobs, probably because that's the best they could achieve for whatever reason. Nobody takes a low paid job through choice if they have an option to work a much higher paid job.

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Nobody takes a low paid job through choice if they have an option to work a much higher paid job.


Actually they do. Some people choose to be carers and live on benefits. Others pack in one job to do another one on a lower salary or start a business just because they'd rather do something else.

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If you're a rounded, functioning and capable person then you're a success imo


I've never met anyone who would consider themselves to be a success with a low net worth. It makes no sense. Billions of people are capable, doesn't make them successful or of high value unless they've harnessed their talents into actual value.

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You see it as an issue, personally I don't. They chose those jobs, probably because that's the best they could achieve for whatever reason. Nobody takes a low paid job through choice if they have an option to work a much higher paid job.


Best they could achieve for!!


I hope you never become sick and have to rely on these low paid people! :o


Doctors, nurses, firemen etc are more valuable to society than in monetary terms! It's not always about how much you earn...

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Best they could achieve for!!


I hope you never become sick and have to rely on these low paid people! :o


I wouldn't class doctors as low paid and if I become sick, what exactly will these nurses do, take my temperature and mop my brow, big deal.

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Being a person of value is how much you earn! It logically can't be anything else.


When my Granddad was dying last year I was so grateful to the wonderful doctors and more importantly the nurses who cared for him. They treated him with respect, compassion and dignity!


I value them more than I value a banker!...

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You see it as an issue, personally I don't. They chose those jobs, probably because that's the best they could achieve for whatever reason. Nobody takes a low paid job through choice if they have an option to work a much higher paid job.


We clearly live in different worlds. Whilst I don't know of many people who wouldn't take a pay rise if they were offered once I do know many people who have given up much better paid jobs to move into social work, or priesthood, or the police or an ambulance driver (that's 4 I know of off the top of my head) purely to follow their hearts. Not everyone is completely money obsessed because once you have a house, car, food and a holiday anything else is just an upgrade of something you already have...and money stops being a motivator for anything other than greed and appearances.

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When my Granddad was dying last year I was so grateful to the wonderful doctors and more importantly the nurses who cared for him. They treated him with respect, compassion and dignity!


I value them more than I value a banker!...


So how much did you tip them for this value considering you tip at restaurants when you eat out.

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