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How do I start jogging (serious )

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i know this sounds stupid , but i have recently started kick boxing (in my 30's) love it , skipped for the first time in 25 years , and i am feeling really focused

i thought i could start , i have lost 6 stones and want to get toned up , so i thought i would start jogging from home , don't mind to go on my own , and start off just going round the block , got good trainers , and i guess i should do some warm up excercises first


does this sound ok ?? how many times a week , should i try and do this ? it's not a big distance , i guess would take 15 mins to walk it , then see how i go


any advice , is much appreciated

thank you

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Just get out there and get started! :)


Wear a good bra (minimise any movement; support is very important!); in fact a proper strong support bra coupled with another sports top should do. A good pair of trainers.


Start jogging at a very slow pace - as slow as you can really - but the key is to keep it going (which is why you need to go as slow as possible when beginning).


Even when you are really feeling it and struggling, slow down but don't stop or walk! :) Just keep it going. Twenty minutes is a good start.


When you are suffering, a good thing to tell yourself is that next time it won't be quite as bad. And thats the truth. Every time you go out, you will find it a little easier than last time! :)


You might want some headphones, and some gloves if it is still cold. Wrap up and allow yourself to get hot - you need to be sweating. A hat is a good idea too!


Make sure you take slow deep breaths - a cycle of about three or four paces to each breath in or out is good.


Good luck! And believe it or not, as your fitness creeps up, you'll start to enjoy it. :)



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oh that sounds like great advice

thank you for replying

looking forward to getting started

sharon :thumbsup:

keep on running on attercliffe road will sort you out for any proper stuff and advice you might need as well.

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get some shoes - good start

find a reason WHY you want to jog, its no good running and not actually wanting to or know why you are doing it.

Pick a route, although sometimes its fun not too, just as long as you dont get lost.


Start slow and short

Build up faster and short

make faster your norm if you can

slowly increase distance

dont expect to do it in a weekend

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Henrietta - it's actually GOOD ADVICE to recommend walking if you cannot keep running. The whole point is to be able to run/walk for ten minutes and to be able to turn this into - in due course - a ten minute RUN. Telling someone that walking is a no-no, when they are new to running/jogging will simply put them off for life!


A good starting programme is to run/walk for ten minutes, then on the next session run/walk a measured distance - 1 mile (which to a beginner will be roughly ten minutes). Slowly increase the timed run and the measured run but by no more than 10% at a time. Run on one day then have a day off. This allows your body to adapt and stops you getting too tired, too soon (which will put you off your next run).


The main advice is to enjoy it. I reckon you could be running a 4 mile block by the middle of summer and doing so three times a week. Then put yourself into reckoning for Sheffield Half-marathon 2007 - something to aim for!


Good luck!

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Jogging /running is great for fitness but WILL NOT get you toned. For that you need some sort of resistance training either light weights or resistance tubes. If you want to call into our shop Get Physical on Ecclesall Rd, we will give you plenty of guidance & free advice. We are personal trainers so will will get the right info. Well done on the weight loss! Glad you've got the fitness bug!!

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