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Protesters preferred political party

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I appreciate there are already threads on the Forum regarding the Sheffield and London protests last weekend but think a very important point has not been addressed.

Which political party would the protesters support and want to see in power ?

How would the protesters ensure their political party of choice carried out their wishes ?

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I suspect that any party will do as long as its not Tory. These cretins cant cope with anyone whose attitude to life is independent and aspirational.


Even the now intellectually bankrupt Labour party seems to be realizing that in order for the country to prosper we need the entrepreneurs the wealth creators.


Those who protest seek to bring everyone down to a level that they can understand and deal with, a level that at best is mediocre in ability and attainment that if unchallenged wil lead to anarchy.

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Mostly Labour.


They wouldn't actually care if their wishes weren't carried out. People vote for parties not policies. I sometimes think that people in Yorkshire would vote for a bunch of peadophile enablers if they wore a red rossette. Oh wait....

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I have read replies on the other threads for support of the protests but surely protesters should have a positive alternative to what they are protesting against and this is what I would like to hear plus how would they hold their preferred party to account.

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I appreciate there are already threads on the Forum regarding the Sheffield and London protests last weekend but think a very important point has not been addressed.

Which political party would the protesters support and want to see in power ?

How would the protesters ensure their political party of choice carried out their wishes ?


I think some of the protesters (who are labour councillors etc will want labour. As for the commies like SWP I suspect they cannot be even bothered to vote.

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I have read replies on the other threads for support of the protests but surely protesters should have a positive alternative to what they are protesting against and this is what I would like to hear plus how would they hold their preferred party to account.


Has that ever been the case, even on here? Most of the bemoaning is just hot air as none offer an alternative or a solution to the problems of the country. Some simply do not see a problem or do not have the head space to comprehend more than one thought "Torys Out".

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I appreciate there are already threads on the Forum regarding the Sheffield and London protests last weekend but think a very important point has not been addressed.

Which political party would the protesters support and want to see in power ?

How would the protesters ensure their political party of choice carried out their wishes ?


I believe there are some marches on Saturday 30th, in cities around the UK, I would march because this Government think that they have a mandate from the people, yet they are in power on 24% of the electorate. I would respect any party that gets above 50%

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I believe there are some marches on Saturday 30th, in cities around the UK, I would march because this Government think that they have a mandate from the people, yet they are in power on 24% of the electorate. I would respect any party that gets above 50%


Oh please stop with the mis information.


Yes 24.49% of the electorate voted for the Cons, but only 66.52% of the electorate actually voted. You cannot assume none voters voted against any party.


So of the 30,691,680 who voted, 11,300,303 voted Con. That's 36.82% not 24%.


Even if you took all the votes shared between Labour, Lib Dems and Greens, that only equates to 43% of the voting electorate. So your assertion that as the cons didn't get a majority means you can protest are completely baseless! You're just unhappy YOU lost!

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