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Cakes for all you bigots

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You really are all missing the point. Why don't you ask yourself what would Jesus have done.

He was asked the question about paying tax and the answer he gave was give to Caesar what is Caesar's and give to God what is God's. In other words obey the law of the land and pay what is due to Caesar.

In this case the couple were discriminating which was against the law.


But they would have also refused to make the cake for me and you and anyone else asking for such a cake, what would they have been guilty of in that case?

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It's not really a relevant example though - on what grounds were the two women discriminated against? If, for example, the pharmacists had refused to sell them dental dams because they were lesbians, or contraception because they were unmarried, then that would be discriminatory. Choosing not to supply certain items to anyone/everyone isn't discriminatory.

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If she had been gay she could have complained and might have won some compensation.


Apparently the religious can refuse service on the grounds of their religion as long as they don't refuse to serve a gay person.


If she had been gay she probably wouldn't be wanting a morning-after pill anyway!

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If she had been gay she could have complained and might have won some compensation.


Apparently the religious can refuse service on the grounds of their religion as long as they don't refuse to serve a gay person.


If she'd been gay, she'd have hardly needed the morning after pill.


If the pharmacist had discriminated against her because of her gender, race, sexuality, ability/disability, etc, then that would have been discrimination

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She might have been raped.


Wow, you're special.


You're right, she might have been. But again, the pharmacist isn't discriminating against her as s/he would refuse to supply that medication to everyone. Thereby, not discriminating. Do you get it yet?

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If the pharmacist had discriminated against her because of her gender, race, sexuality, ability/disability, etc, then that would have been discrimination


But he didn't, he just didn't want to sell the morning after pill and cake maker didn't want to sell a cake with the words, "support gay marriage", they would have refused to sell it to me and would have sold a cake to a gay person if it didn't have those words on it. There was no discrimination, just people following their religious beliefs.


---------- Post added 19-05-2015 at 22:57 ----------


Wow, you're special.


You're right, she might have been. But again, the pharmacist isn't discriminating against her as s/he would refuse to supply that medication to everyone. Thereby, not discriminating. Do you get it yet?


Yes I get it but do you get it that the cake maker would have refused to sell the cake to everyone, therefor not discrimination.

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