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Good gyms in/near city centre for weight lifting

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Hi, new to the forum.

I currently train at TheGym on Gibraltar Street as this is near to where I live. It has most of the equipment I need, but it can be annoying sometimes as they only have one power rack, no benches for barbell bench press and no squat racks (and a smith machine, but I don't like that). I've been progressing, but it spoils it when I can't get access to the barbells or rack.

I train with freeweights and I want a gym which has good access to barbells and racks so I can do squats, presses, deadlifts etc. Not interested in cardio equipment, a few is fine, but gyms with rows and rows of treadmills and only a small freeweights area is not really what I'm after, as this is the set up of my current one. Only exception to this is if they have more than one rack. I've heard the puregyms have two power racks which would be an improvement. otherwise, I've also heard of the bodybuilding gyms Lloydies, Muscle Madness and Muscle Fusion, but I think they might be too out of the way. Look great though.

Also, it would be ideal that a gym has a friendly environment toward women, although it's ok if there are only a few other women training as I'm used to that.

Preferably, I don't want the membership to be too dear as I'm a student.

Thank you

Edited by midnight562
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Hi, if weightlifting is your thing you should check out Iron athlete, it's a powerlifting gym with a really good atmosphere. They hold comps every two months too which the members get involved in. There are a few women who train down there and they're all really friendly too. Basically if you don't have anyone to train with, you'll meet someone in no time. I've trained at a lot of gyms in sheffield and none of them are as good as this. Especially if you're into getting strong rather than spending all your time on a treadmill. Look iron athlete gym up on facebook.

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