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"Pubs for all you racists"

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I never said I tolerate everything I make an effort to understand.


How much of the crime in this country do travellers commit? What percentage? Just trying to help you get some perspective.

They commit more crime than the average person, hence they cost the average person money. How much crime does that local thug commit, what percentage? Very little would be my guess, but should anyone be expected to tolerate their crimes. No.

Just because they are a minority group doesn't mean their behavior should be tolerated.

Edited by loraward
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They commit more crime than the average person, hence they cost the average person money. How much crime does that local thug commit, what percentage? Very little would be my guess, but should anyone be expected to tolerate their crimes. No.


Now that needs some evidence.

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Now that needs some evidence.


The average person doesn't commit crime, doesn't break through gates to squat on the land of others and doesn't leave a huge mess for others to clean up. The average person pays council tax, some of which is used to clean up the mess left by a group of people that don't pay council tax, some of it is used to pay for court costs which are incurred by councils to evict the travelers from land they have no right to occupy.

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The average person doesn't commit crime, doesn't break through gates to squat on the land of others and doesn't leave a huge mess for others to clean up. The average person pays council tax, some of which is used to clean up the mess left by a group of people that don't pay council tax, some of it is used to pay for court costs which are incurred by councils to evict the travelers from land they have no right to occupy.


Average person?

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By coincidence this happened this week. I meet up with friends a couple of times a week for coffee and we were at the Hilton at Meadowhead at Wednesday lunchtime.


There was a large wedding party in who had basically taken over the hotel and were in the bar prior to the wedding which was going to take place at Dronfield in the afternoon.


They were boisterous, noisy and a bit 'blingy', all the men were in smart suits and the women looked as if they were off to Ascot in colourful dresses and some amazing hats.


Lots of money had been spent, coaches and stretch limousines laid on and a white Rolls Royce for the bride.


Went in again for coffee today and remarked to the waitress that it was a bit quieter.


She told us that the wedding crowd had arrived on Tuesday and spent the night there, they then stayed Wednesday night after the wedding.


There were 200 guests huge amounts of alcohol were consumed, the hotel did well out of it and aside from the odd verbal argument there was no bother.


They were gypsies, and when I mentioned to the young waitress what had happened at Wetherspoons she said " But that's discrimination ".


You have to give people the benefit of the doubt and not condemn them before they have done anything.


It's called fairness and equality.

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The average person doesn't commit crime, doesn't break through gates to squat on the land of others and doesn't leave a huge mess for others to clean up. The average person pays council tax, some of which is used to clean up the mess left by a group of people that don't pay council tax, some of it is used to pay for court costs which are incurred by councils to evict the travelers from land they have no right to occupy.


Just more lazy stereotyping.


How much more crime do travellers commit on average? Back up your argument.

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Guest sibon
The average person doesn't commit crime, .


They do, they just don't get caught.


Let's start our analysis of your claim by examining how many people speed when driving.


We can move on to other crimes whenever you are ready.

Edited by sibon
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The average person doesn't commit crime, doesn't break through gates to squat on the land of others and doesn't leave a huge mess for others to clean up. The average person pays council tax, some of which is used to clean up the mess left by a group of people that don't pay council tax, some of it is used to pay for court costs which are incurred by councils to evict the travelers from land they have no right to occupy.


I officially declare you morally bankrupt.

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Just more lazy stereotyping.


How much more crime do travellers commit on average? Back up your argument.


In the 2011 census just 0.1% of people –about 58,000 – identified themselves as "Gypsy or Irish Traveller".



One in 20 inmates – or 5% – told Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) that they considered themselves to be Gypsy, Romany or Traveller in 2012-13, compared with 4% the previous year.





Even on the lowest estimates … it is clear that prisoners of Gypsy, Romany and Traveller backgrounds are significantly over-represented in the prison population.








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In the 2011 census just 0.1% of people –about 58,000 – identified themselves as "Gypsy or Irish Traveller".



One in 20 inmates – or 5% – told Her Majesty's Inspectorate of Prisons (HMIP) that they considered themselves to be Gypsy, Romany or Traveller in 2012-13, compared with 4% the previous year.





Even on the lowest estimates … it is clear that prisoners of Gypsy, Romany and Traveller backgrounds are significantly over-represented in the prison population.









The current population of the UK stands at 63.4 million the total strength of the British armed forces including reserves is 186,000.


Ex members of the forces make up nearly 12% of the homeless, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=8&ved=0CGMQFjAH&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bbc.co.uk%2Fprogrammes%2Fb00b0cms&ei=VE9gVa6wH6Oy7Qa0goOYAg&usg=AFQjCNFbRX-DGR9QfWqxKP6CgjVcVO7dWw&bvm=bv.93990622,d.ZGU&cad=rja


They make up 10% of prisoners, http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=4&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0CDcQFjAD&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.independent.co.uk%2Fnews%2Fuk%2Fcrime%2Fone-in-10-prisoners-is-a-former-soldier-new-research-reveals-7944479.html&ei=D1NgVebxO8fO7gbD94CgCg&usg=AFQjCNG_BYmxkIPQj5ay-Ryp6UTeQ6nDTA&bvm=bv.93990622,d.ZGU


So your point is?

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