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Trophy/Big Game Hunting. Killing animals for fun.

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Well your moralinty is much lower than others then.
Why? Genuine question.

Anyone who hunts big game for sport or supports it, is well, a bit thick. No offence.
None taken, since I don't hunt big game for sport or 'support it' (though I understand its economical merit and am happy discussing that...unlike some narrower-minded posters it seems). It's your opinion and, you know, they're like bumholes and all that :P

Perhaps you were stamping on a Hedgehog and were distracted.
I'm quite happy delegating that to the dog :twisted:

Not unless you want the fish to die.
The parallel with hunting holds, if you're catching fish (as a leisure activity) for eating/selling, rather than releasing.


I suppose 'hunters' could go around with paintball markers instead (a day out hunting without any kill to show for it has never bothered me in the least) :hihi:

Edited by L00b
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Aside from the fact that many fish do die from asphyxiation on their way to the dinner table, the point was more that the debate over whether fish feel pain/fear/ suffering from being fished is less vociferously fought than issues relating to cute cuddly animals - not many lentil eaters want to hug a fish, but they get oh-so-excited about the death of mammals. I guess it's all down to how we condition kids from an early age to treat kittens and puppies as human babies.


(I have nothing against fishing, but find it strange that people choose to draw a line of acceptability which sees fishing as fine but not, say, shooting pheasant or deer).


I didn't think the argument was about animal being killed on the way to the dinner plate. I thought it was about someone killing animals for the sake of it. I have seen a fish or two die as a direct result of being caught by an angler but it is a very rare occurrence and typically the result of a novice not knowing what they are doing. My own fishing box always had a bottle of specialist fish antiseptic (a lot of specimen anglers keep this), that i used on several fish that had injuries to them. I could argue that some of the fish i caught went back in better condition than when they were caught.

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  • 3 years later...

I'm reading more and more about this disgusting "sport" lately. People are paying up to £60,000 to travel to Africa and shoot Lions, Elephants, Giraffes, anything with a pulse really!


Personally, I'd like to see this "sport" banned immediately! How can shooting an Elephant be classed as a sport?! It's like hunting a parked car! These people are morons!

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I'm reading more and more about this disgusting "sport" lately. People are paying up to £60,000 to travel to Africa and shoot Lions, Elephants, Giraffes, anything with a pulse really!


Personally, I'd like to see this "sport" banned immediately! How can shooting an Elephant be classed as a sport?! It's like hunting a parked car! These people are morons!


It's not the sort of thing I'd like to do, but it would appear that these wildlife farms are raising animals. Creating employment. Protecting endangered species by breeding them and placing a value on the land where they are.

Paradoxically it creates a wildlife sanctuary.


It seems wrong but the effect is good.

I would get no pleasure from it, but some people do so I would let them get on with it. Who are we to tell other cultures what to do?

Obviously if they were doing it in our country and you felt it didn't fit in with our own culture, you would have a point.

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Two years ago I went to Kenya on one of these trips, though it didn't quite cost £60,000!


I managed to bag myself a Gazelle and someone in my group was lucky enough to get a Giraffe.


To me shooting a Giraffe is no different to squashing a spider in your house. Both are deliberate attempts to kill an animal for no real reason. Fishing is just the same too.


I see no problem with shooting animals, it is fun and educational.

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i managed to bag myself a gazelle and someone in my group was lucky enough to get a giraffe.


To me shooting a giraffe is no different to squashing a spider in your house.


I see no problem with shooting animals, it is fun and educational.


not cool bro!

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