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Trophy/Big Game Hunting. Killing animals for fun.

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Interesting, that's certainly something to think about. I'm going to look for more information and a corroborating source, because I certainly don't trust PETA.

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France isn't a model of animal rights.
I haven't made any representations to that effect, only explained how hunting (officially-sanctioned, with permits and the whole battery of red tape) works there, from personal experience.


Towards explaining that, in the very vast majority of cases, it's simply not a case of 'pay your money, shoot any furry/feathery critters that move' :)


Incidentally, I have personal acquaintances who have paid downright-obscene sums to go shoot something really exotic in Africa in managed reserves (there are hundreds, if not thousands of these, both private and public). I don't particularly approve (in financial, not emotive, terms), but then again it gives the locals a very good standard of living, and contributes to socio-structural development in a really big way - certainly more so than UNHCR and various charities' funds.

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There are many failing of the human race, this has to be one of them. How can anyone kill an Elephant for fun? I'd shoot him, and I mean that, if I could get away with it!



If you really feel that strongly, have you not thought about going and shooting some of the anglers in Crookes Valley Park?:)

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Hypocrites the lot of you. If you eat meat you're allowing someone else to kill for your fun and pleasure. There's no need for any human to eat meat as a means of survival. We eat meat because it's nice and pleasurable, fun if you will.


Yes there is .Go to Africa and watch the babies starve to death, they would like nothing more than to suck on a meaty bone.

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Your logic is flawed. So you're saying that because we eat meat its okay to slaughter every other animal on the planet? Do you draw the line with pet dogs and cats. Is it okay for people to shoot them because we had a KFC last night?


It's from the same school of thought as 'anti capitalists who use anything produced by capitalism are hypocrites' .


I wander if they also think dissidents in the old Soviet Union were hypocrites for using things produced by a communist system? or people who are against traffic accidents are hypoicrites if they own a car?

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Incidentally, I have personal acquaintances who have paid downright-obscene sums to go shoot something really exotic in Africa in managed reserves (there are hundreds, if not thousands of these, both private and public). I don't particularly approve (in financial, not emotive, terms), but then again it gives the locals a very good standard of living, and contributes to socio-structural development in a really big way - certainly more so than UNHCR and various charities' funds.


Providing wealth for the locals isn't their motivation, and the motivation is what this thread is about. I bet some of them would gladly gun down people as well if they could pay to be allowed to do that.

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nvm, misread your post :)


The motivation may not be to help local development, but local development (or, in more temperate climates, environmental preservation) is the end result of the motivation.


Which is the lesser of the two evils, donkey? The trigger-happy rich folks who want to bag a buffalo or an antelope, or the locals catering to their tastes?

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