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Car Insurance not valid

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Hi.I have been stopped by police, I bought new car and made insurance but by mistake I messed up the postcode,and bought it...4 days later I was stopped by officer,my insurance was running just 4 days as well as my car did...He even didn't notify me, he just seized my vehicle and today I received fixed penalty of £300 and I will get 6 penalty points..Is it any chance to don't pay it??As I didn't know I have put different address...I told the officer to tell me the address,and I will change immediately but he said he will take the car and he will make sure I will get fine..And next day I called my insurance company,told them the situation and they changed it...Was it right as I didn't have any penalties or something and I was driving my last car on my address,normally...Can I appeal against it and don't pay/As I already paid £200 to get car back..

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Get your insurance company to ring up the officer and confirm that you were still insured regardless of the postcode error and if they confirm this then legally you should not get done.

if your insurance company do not confirm that you were still covered regardless of the postcode error than you are in the doo doo...

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All what I was trying to say is,that I had different address on my insurance as I have made mistake but changed it next day, and officer stopped me which has resulted in 300 penalty..

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Sorry, but I've just tried to read this three times, and I still don't understand it....


You need a special skill to read some posts, I have it and it seems you don't! :hihi:

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If you had it changed the next day then you should be fine. You will need to get confirmation from the insurers that this was the case and that you were covered.


The offence is that of not being insured - it's not despite what certain officers think of not being compliant with the database. The best bet is always carry your insurance certificate - that's something they cannot argue with.

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I'm not sure we're getting the full picture.


The police seizing a vehicle over an admin error seems very heavy handed to me.


It's seems depressingly normal to me. They tried the same thing on mine - the reg number had been entered incorrectly onto the MID database. Since I had the actual certificate with me I showed them that but had devils own job getting them to accept it as valid.

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Yes,the officer seized the vehicle,as he wasn't bothered about me telling him that it was just a mistake and I m driving only 4 days,he said I never lived at that address and seized car...I told him I will change it even in front of him,he wasn't bothered and said I will pay fine of 300...I am really disappointed...Car was just 400 and now I need to pay 500 more for just 1 freakin mistake...

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