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Scariest film you've ever seen.


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The most scary film I ever saw was 'Event Horizon'. At the time, when I first saw it, I wasn't in a great state of mind, and it totally freaked me out. I've seen it since and it seemed really tame, and I couldn't work out why I was so freaked the first time I saw it.


Towards the end there are some gruesome scenes that you only catch a very quick glance off, have a look at it online it may explain. I quite like Event Horizon. It and Resident Evil are Paul W. S. Anderson's best movies.

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Psycho - especially that bit where the policeman goes up the stairs and the bit where they find the 'shape' in the bed. Exorcist - had to sleep with light on for ages after. Omen 2 - wouldn't get in a lift for ages after that one. Blair Witch - hands over eyes!


I don;t like blood and guts but the ghosty ones are the ones that really scare me.

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'The Room' staring Tommy Wisseau http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0368226/


Its terrifying how bad the movie is.....scared me off Hollywood for a while.


Here's a taster......https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mQ4KzClb1C4


That film is legendary! Tommy Wiseau also wrote, directed, produced as well as stared in what is accepted as being the worst movie ever made!

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