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Nesting birds in roof space

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There is a blue tits nest in a house roof near me, it's just behind the gutter under the slates. the roof is soon going to be stripped and replaced .the birds are very active feeding a brood and may not get away in time. any advice please.

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Basic protection

All birds, their nests and eggs are protected by law and it is thus an offence, with certain exceptions (see Exceptions), to:


intentionally kill, injure or take any wild bird


intentionally take, damage or destroy the nest of any wild bird whilst it is in use or being built

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Yes - you can't disturb wild birds in this circumstance. You have posted on a public forum and may well be reported.


And is anyone


a) going to be able to directly identify littleweed


b) seriously going to dob anyone in over a posting on this forum?


OK. There maybe people who actively monitor this kind of thing, and be on hand to dispense official advice.


But really?

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Well if someone does report littleweeeed, this forum can provide the IP used and dates. This info can go to the police who can request the customer information. As littleweeeed already states S6 in his/her location, its pretty easy for them to find and prosecute.

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