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If Australia can do it, then why can't we?

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Because the UK considers itself hamstrung by the hated EU and Human Rights Convention.


You are kind of right though I have to point out the European Convention of Human Rights has nothing to do with the EU.


Thankfully the tories are getting rid of it in favour of a bill of rights.


---------- Post added 22-05-2015 at 13:14 ----------


If you like Austrailia so much why don't you emigrate there to put it politely? :rolleyes:


---------- Post added 21-05-2015 at 23:49 ----------



What about the Britons who go and fight in the Israeli Army, should they also have their citizenship revoked for killing Occoupied Gazans? = http://www.huffingtonpost.co.uk/channel-4-news/british-citizens-israeli-army_b_5633939.html


I agree entirely they should.

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It's a slippery slope removing citizenship from either immigrants or the children of immigrants. What next, removing it from the the grandchildren and great-grandchildren of immigrants?


How many generations of immigrants would we have to go down before someone says "but I'm British, my family came over with William the Conqueror as immigrants"?

Edited by max
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Why is it that Australia can strip the citizenship of children of immigrants that go to fight for ISIS but we are told we can't?




I suppose we need to think about who is telling us we cant and are they the same people who think you can cure a terrorist with a hug!


its a very good question and one i guess can be answered by looking at how Australia makes its own laws and doesnt have to obey any other body??? unlike us here in good old Blighty where we are constrained by euro legislation?

they are i guess the same as the Bad Boy huggers who think kindness will make it all ok.

i say strip the children of citizenship who go and fight for terrorists.

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That would be illegal in the eyes of the UN, so even if Australia proposes that, it can scrap the plans as soon as the UN finds out about it.




If this is the case than Australia is just posturing, a bit like Cameron and Farage, they wouldn't have a populist conservative government in Australia as well, would they?


Illegal in the eyes of the UN or not, it seems it's not so here.


"Previously under UK law, it was illegal to strip an individual of their British citizenship if such a move rendered them stateless. But the British Nationality Act, which relates to such cases, was amended in the summer of 2014.


Following the legislative shift, it became legal to revoke a person's UK citizenship whether such a measure rendered them stateless or not."

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its a very good question and one i guess can be answered by looking at how Australia makes its own laws and doesnt have to obey any other body??? unlike us here in good old Blighty where we are constrained by euro legislation?

they are i guess the same as the Bad Boy huggers who think kindness will make it all ok.

i say strip the children of citizenship who go and fight for terrorists.


Again, popular misconception about the role of the EU, Britain can change its law just as it likes (as retep highlights here:)


Illegal in the eyes of the UN or not, it seems it's not so here.


"Previously under UK law, it was illegal to strip an individual of their British citizenship if such a move rendered them stateless. But the British Nationality Act, which relates to such cases, was amended in the summer of 2014.


Following the legislative shift, it became legal to revoke a person's UK citizenship whether such a measure rendered them stateless or not."


The problem is, changing that law just means further erosion of British influence on the global stage. At which point is the UN going to say: You mock us and our convention (Which ironically was founded by the UK), why should you be on the permanent security council?


Cameron is playing a silly isolationist game that is going to bite this country in the backside in dramatic fashion. I hope all those short-sighted by the anti-immigration rhetoric stick around long enough to see the consequences.

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Because the UK considers itself hamstrung by the hated EU and Human Rights Convention.
Well in that case the UK is misinformed.


The Supreme Court has the final say in the UK and UK courts only have to take into account rulings from the ECHR they can ignore them if they wish.


All this rubbish about us being dictated to by Brussells is precisely that, rubbish.


There is no problem identified by those who want the repeal of the Human Rights Act that requires the repeal of the act to solve.


Immigration and Asylum Act 1999 Section 60 subsection 9(a)



(9) Section 59 does not entitle a person to appeal against a refusal of leave to enter, or against a refusal of an entry clearance, if—


  1. the Secretary of State certifies that directions have been given by the Secretary of State (and not by a person acting under his authority) for the appellant not to be given entry to the United Kingdom on the ground that his exclusion is conducive to the public good; or

This gives the Home Secretary the ability to strip someone of their citizenship.


The Independent Thursday 28 February 2013


An investigation by the Bureau of Investigative Journalism for The Independent has established that since 2010, the Home Secretary, Theresa May, has revoked the passports of 16 individuals, many of whom are alleged to have had links to militant or terrorist groups.
That was 16 people stripped of UK citizenship by February 2013, it's now May 2015 I doubt any of them got their passports back and it's likely a few more have been stripped too.


So before demanding that we need the ability to strip people of their citizenship and complaining loudly that the EU & ECHR are stopping us from doing it, it might be an idea to check that we actually don't already have the ability to strip people of their citizenship and have already done so on numerous occasions.

Edited by esme
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Why is it that Australia can strip the citizenship of children of immigrants that go to fight for ISIS but we are told we can't?




I suppose we need to think about who is telling us we cant and are they the same people who think you can cure a terrorist with a hug!

If you look carefully at the article referred to you may notice paragraph three
The government also wants to adopt the British legal model by revoking the citizenship of extremists who are Australian-born children of immigrants or an immigrant, forcing them to take up citizenship in the birth country of their parents, or parent, Dutton said.
It would appear that the Australian Government got the idea from existing UK legislation.


The third paragraph, third !


Did people get tired reading after the second paragraph ?


Or did the first two paragraphs tell you people everything you needed to know ?


Because manifestly they don't.

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