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Did the bed move for you?

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3am this morning my wife experienced a bed moving experience.

No, I was fast asleep.

Kent had an earthquake 4.3 on the Richter scale. which caused the house shake so violently that she thought the bedroom floor was about to collapse.

When the shaking stopped she wondered whether she had dreamed it., But photos had fallen over and her tame teddy had fallen off his chair.

I slept through all this, typical said my wife!!

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Didn't move for anybody in Sheffield :) I remember the monstrous Sheffield Earthquake, one year after the monstrous Sheffield Floods and two years before the Sheffield Big Freeze (making it three, we are safe now), it shook the bed AND to our dismay, toppled a picture-frame, fortunately no further damage was done although I am sure the rickety IKEA furniture lost half a year's lifespan.

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Didn't move for anybody in Sheffield :) I remember the monstrous Sheffield Earthquake, one year after the monstrous Sheffield Floods and two years before the Sheffield Big Freeze (making it three, we are safe now), it shook the bed AND to our dismay, toppled a picture-frame, fortunately no further damage was done although I am sure the rickety IKEA furniture lost half a year's lifespan.


I remember feeling the bed move for me, early one morning, here in Sheffield. When I get up later, there was a news item on the radio confirming there had been an earthquake centred on Birmingham.

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