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Ideas: Tell me things that are appreciated by some but not by others..

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Being a parent


Most parents have lost their minds. Stop talking about your crotchfruit and plastering social media with pictures of them we don't care. Also the little snotrag isn't "expressing themself" they are a terrible person and you need to discipline them. They aren't a genius for eating something, using the toilet, getting dressed, not hitting someone and not getting run over these are basic standards we all achieve regularly so stop going on. You don't get or deserve credit for doing the absolute bare minimum.


We only need to hear about your little chromosome dump if they do something thats genuinely funny or interesting or heartwarming or profound or if someone gets injured or you can make money off them. That aside only you care. Also parents don't get to hector childless people to have kids, thats their choice and they only do it because they know childless people are genuinely happier, wealthier, less tired and don't worry as much as parents or they might be trying to be parents and don't need the hassle in which case its insensitive to hound them anyway

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