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Was the Poll Tax really fair?

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Privatise judges, the courts, army, police, fire services etc... Good luck with pay as you go with that lot.


Good idea!


If you choose to live in an area of the country or community that is covered by those services; you can do so, but they'll probably charge you for it.

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Good idea!


If you choose to live in an area of the country or community that is covered by those services; you can do so, but they'll probably charge you for it.


Whole country is covered by those services. We all pay through our taxes.

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How do you define what you use and what you don't?


For example, if you may not have any children you may feel that you shouldn't contribute taxes towards the education, but you have certainly benefited from those around you being educated, the doctor/nurse that would look after you when you're ill.

Same if you don't drive, you may not want to contribute towards the roads, but you certainly benefit from there being a comprehensive road system.


Aren't they all educated abroad, so not paid for out of our tax's.:)


---------- Post added 24-05-2015 at 19:07 ----------


Privatise judges, the courts, army, police, fire services etc... Good luck with pay as you go with that lot.


---------- Post added 24-05-2015 at 17:17 ----------



Great theory until you break your spine and need a million quid worth of care and rehabilitation. Got a million quid spare just in case?


But someone that pays nothing at all is just as likley to break their spine and need a million quid worth of care and rehabilitation.

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The poll tax created the SNP. They were known as tarten tories and the Scots were quite conservative with a small c until Thatcher decided to use them as guinea pigs. You can trace the decimation of tories in Scotland and the rise of the SNP from her decision to use the poll tax against them. Whether she thought she was punishing them for voting Labour, or whether she thought they'd all stop voting, or whether she was just mad as a snake. When she did that, Scotland was lost to the tories.

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But someone that pays nothing at all is just as likley to break their spine and need a million quid worth of care and rehabilitation.



Yep, so what. But before we head down discussing that you have to remember that person could be a wealthy non-dom who is avoiding all their taxes.

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Who is paying five times more?


I genuinely think the family of 5 should pay more as they are likely to use more of the services that council tax pays for than the couple in Dore (by the nature of numbers mainly).


It would be more fair if everyone paid the same.

if 5 people are sharing a house and the tax is levied on the amount of people sharing this house (5 x people)

then 2 people sharing a house are only paying twice the amount for the same services what part of that don't you understand :huh: tell me why 5 people against 2 people would use more of these services :huh:

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No, the Poll Tax wasn't fair.

You could have a Man working, living with his wife, bringing up children in a council house paying two lots of Poll Tax for himself AND his wife where a wealthy person living on their own in a mansion paid just one lot. Poll Tax was never fair and that's why it was changed.

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