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Deeply disturbing - do not watch

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Hi Pete, how have we not met?


Glad you can see the wood for the trees ;)




Mortimer's book is well worth a read. It should be out in paperback by now. I went to one of his presentation at "The Festival of the Mind". Seems like a

pretty astute person. The descriptions of-how

he sees -society progressing in the next 50 yrs is not baseless futurology.


According to Mortimer the future-for ordinary working people- looks pretty bleak.


"Ordinary people have no means of introducing government policies;they simply participate in the system that selects spokesmen connected to the unelected political elites to approve initiatives put forward by that same elite"

(Centuries of Change. Ian Mortimer ,p336).


When i read some of the political posting on this site ,I'm reminded of a passage from "Religion and the Rise of Capitalism,by R.H. Tawney".

"A society which reverences the attainment

of riches as the supreme felicity will naturally be disposed to regard the poor as damned in the next world.If only to justify itself for making their life hell in

this" (p239).


And so it goes.


It was a refreshing to watch the video. Mr M.K. has been broadcasting for some years now. I think he's an ex Wall Street operative: banker, trader,investor-some thing like that.

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so we have to watch a russian tv channel featuring an american to tell us how bad the tories are? Oo


Well, we have an overly biased right wing media who spend every day telling us how great the Tories are. Some balance has to come from somewhere.

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And a re-named 'Isvestia' (sp?) is balance?:huh::)


The person presenting on it, Max Keiser, is a counterweight for sure. If he wasn't on RT he'd be saying the same stuff through other channels.


He's one of many, as it happens.

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Interesting attacks on the messenger.


Cameron's message should be the focus: "For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone."


As long as a citizen is obeying the law, the government should leave that citizen alone, now and forever more. This should not be up for debate.

Edited by DrNorm
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Well, we have an overly biased right wing media who spend every day telling us how great the Tories are. Some balance has to come from somewhere.

cant you think for yourself? why do you need any media telling you how to think?

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cant you think for yourself? why do you need any media telling you how to think?


eh? I get news and views from many sources exactly because I don't trust our mainstream media. MK is one I keep an eye on very occasionally, mainly through his website not RT. I get my news from from many other places.


But anyway, let's cut to the chase. The real story is not about MK or RT it's about Cameron and May's upcoming assault on our national values. How do you feel about that?

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The person presenting on it, Max Keiser, is a counterweight for sure. If he wasn't on RT he'd be saying the same stuff through other channels.


He's one of many, as it happens.


I don't doubt he would be saying the same stuff whichever channel he decided to use, but as they would probably have the same agenda, it would not, in my eyes anyway, make it any more valid.


And a sample of the many others would also be interesting.

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