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Deeply disturbing - do not watch

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And what did that achieve ?

Why don't these millions take some responsibility and form a credible political party which supports their views and see what level of support it attracts.


Why should they? You're not one of these nutters that thinks you can't moan if you don't vote are you?


---------- Post added 26-05-2015 at 17:09 ----------


Come on now, Bonzo, you can't seriously consider ranking RT alongside Le Monde, The Guardian or the Washington Post in a discussion about journalism. That'd be like ranking Keith Lemon Leigh Francis alongside John Simpson, John Snow and Andrew Marr :rolleyes:


I think I just did.

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The irony of the way this thread has progressed is that the UK right-wing media is going to tell you that what Cameron and May are trying to do is OK, while in reality their move is straight out of the playbook of a repressive regime - if you haven't broken the law but we don't like you then we're coming after you anyway. It's kind of like what would happen in Russia :o

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RT is as much as a reliable source as any other mainstream outlet. I can't think of one completely reliable, unbiased source of mainstream media. I think you have to look for individuals who you trust.


---------- Post added 26-05-2015 at 16:42 ----------



Actually, millions chose not to vote.


No its not,and saying such a thing makes you look rather silly.:hihi:


---------- Post added 26-05-2015 at 18:24 ----------


The irony of the way this thread has progressed is that the UK right-wing media is going to tell you that what Cameron and May are trying to do is OK, while in reality their move is straight out of the playbook of a repressive regime - if you haven't broken the law but we don't like you then we're coming after you anyway. It's kind of like what would happen in Russia :o


Don't be a drama queen. :hihi:

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Why should they? You're not one of these nutters that thinks you can't moan if you don't vote are you?

Politicians for all their faults are prepared to take responsibilities and without them there would be no structure in the country.

It is one thing to moan but to do so without doing something constructive to try and change things is nothing to be proud of.

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Don't be a drama queen. :hihi:


I'm not. It's what they are saying, except of course you're going to be ok if you're a paedophile and you're part of the establishment or a banker in the city.


Seem to remember Labour trying something like this too. Peas in a pod ;)

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in reality their move is straight out of the playbook of a repressive regime - if you haven't broken the law but we don't like you then we're coming after you anyway.


Don't be a drama queen. :hihi:


Let's re-read Cameron's words:


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone."


At the very best that's perhaps bad communication of intent.


On the other hand if we take him at face value ... that we can no longer expect to be left alone even if we do obey the law then that is indeed deeply disturbing. I think Cameron needs to explain himself rather quickly.


It may be that he's just making a fool of himself rather than anything more sinister:


The package of powers, first proposed in March, would allow courts to force a person to send their tweets and Facebook posts to the police for approval. The Independent - Britain is too tolerant and should interfere more in people's lives, says David Cameron. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/britain-is-too-tolerant-and-should-interfere-more-in-peoples-lives-says-david-cameron-10246517.html


Thanks for saving the nation David :rolleyes:


I wonder if anyone here will be caught out by the proposals and have to send their forum posts to the police for prior approval?


Will the mods still have a say on what does and doesn't make it on site???

Edited by DrNorm
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In a speech to the UN last year Cameron stated that non-violent conspiracy theorists are just as dangerous as ISIS and should be dealt with in the same way. Now I don't have much time for the 9/11 truthers but that is blummin creepy....

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Politicians for all their faults are prepared to take responsibilities and without them there would be no structure in the country.

It is one thing to moan but to do so without doing something constructive to try and change things is nothing to be proud of.


Politicians are prepared to make decisions that do not benefit the majority too.


You don't have to be a voter to be constructive and try and make changes.

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In a speech to the UN last year Cameron stated that non-violent conspiracy theorists are just as dangerous as ISIS and should be dealt with in the same way. Now I don't have much time for the 9/11 truthers but that is blummin creepy....


No he did not.


---------- Post added 27-05-2015 at 10:01 ----------


Let's re-read Cameron's words:


"For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens 'as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone."


At the very best that's perhaps bad communication of intent.


On the other hand if we take him at face value ... that we can no longer expect to be left alone even if we do obey the law then that is indeed deeply disturbing. I think Cameron needs to explain himself rather quickly.


It may be that he's just making a fool of himself rather than anything more sinister:


The package of powers, first proposed in March, would allow courts to force a person to send their tweets and Facebook posts to the police for approval. The Independent - Britain is too tolerant and should interfere more in people's lives, says David Cameron. http://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/britain-is-too-tolerant-and-should-interfere-more-in-peoples-lives-says-david-cameron-10246517.html


Thanks for saving the nation David :rolleyes:


I wonder if anyone here will be caught out by the proposals and have to send their forum posts to the police for prior approval?


Will the mods still have a say on what does and doesn't make it on site???


If you find Camerons actions "deeply disturbing" then I suspect you are easily "deeply disturbed".


I want to see a government that seeks out and exposes those in our society that would do us harm. That is surely the first responsibility of government?

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