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Tea Party - barking or what

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Somehow or other I've managed to get on an email list for the Tea Party. Now most of the stuff they send me is pretty "nurse he's out of bed again" type of stuff but I thought I'd share this example with my fellow Sheffielders:


BREAKING NEWS! Democrats Call for ‘Flood’ of Muslims to U.S. ...Read the latest now on TeaParty.org


Freedom Fighters,


It's my worst nightmare.


Somehow, in spite of all the chaos he has caused, by hook or (mostly) by crook, his majesty, king Obama, will find a way to stay in office.


Maybe it will be country-wide race riots resulting in Martial Law... a concocted world financial or medical crisis...a diplomatic screw up that triggers a shooting war, an attempted coup d'état, a total breakdown of citizen faith and trust in the government.


Or it could be all of the above.




Obama is dead set on giving executive amnesty no matter how the new Congress may try to stop him…complying with the U.N. gun grabbing scheme… and pushing his One World agenda, flipping off Congress as he does it.


And he is damn sure he can get away with it!


Well guess what? With your help we are not going to let him.


Here is what I need you to do:


Sign the Congressional Warning today. I will be sure it gets delivered to every member of the House and Senate.


We must get this Congressional Warning out today if we are to stop Obama’s plan to bring America down to its knees and stop his socialist comrades from helping him carry out his vile plan!


Then step up and give us your best donation ever. Show us how much you want Obama out. Show us how hard you want us to fight.


The more you give the more we can do—blast letters, faxes and emails... make calls across the country...set up special operations in DC...hold rallies and protests...and more.


We have a lot of work to do and every day the fight grows more intense.


Just when you think it cannot possibly get any worse, Obama commits another egregious act more horrifying than the last.


Here’s something to think about….


Baltimore riots. Obama was silent even as the violence began to spill into New York and Chicago.


Did it not explode quickly enough and far enough to unleash his private police force? Or did the riots happened too far away from the election for him to justify Martial Law?


Under the Obama reign we’ve gone from world leader to world class fools under the Obama, Kerry, Clinton, Rice negotiating team.


Think about the advancement of Martial Law by Obama...executive Amnesty...the destruction of Constitutional rights... death by taxes...attacks on the Tea Party by the IRS...befriending and harboring of terrorists...


We must stop him. I’m pleading with you: Sign our Congressional Warning today. Demand that Congress back off and restore our rights, stop the trampling of our Constitution and end presidential corruption!


Once you put your name on the Congressional Warning please...I beg you...give us your best donation so we can keep fighting! We are up against all odds but by damned we are not giving up or giving in.


Hurry! End the deceit, lies and corruption.


It's up to you now.


Steve Eichler


CEO, Tea Party


P.S. Send a message to Congress they won't soon forget - For just $29.95 you can send a PINK SLIP to all 535 members of the House and Senate telling them to IMPEACH OBAMA! Let this Pink Slip serve as "official warning" that they are to put the president on notice right now!


Feel free to scoff or defend.

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Guest sibon
In a nutshell.......loony tunes


Intentionally inflammatory loony tunes, at that.


Looney tunes that command a 20% approval rating as a minimum, in opinion polls.


Says plenty about the USA. None of it good.

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Hillary Clinton will be the next US President. Tea Party completely out of touch with the mainstream


This is an interesting comment, but I think very accurate. A lot of traditional Republican voters are scared that the Tea party will seize control or at least force through some daft legislation that they don't want. Rather than help the Republican Party they are severely damaging it is how I see it.

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Somehow or other I've managed to get on an email list for the Tea Party. Now most of the stuff they send me is pretty "nurse he's out of bed again" type of stuff but I thought I'd share this example with my fellow Sheffielders:




Feel free to scoff or defend.


I wont scoff or defend ill just wait and see. Something nasty is afoot in the states, something big is coming but im not sure its this so like i said ill wait and see.

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I wont scoff or defend ill just wait and see. Something nasty is afoot in the states, something big is coming but im not sure its this so like i said ill wait and see.


People have been saying that for the last 20 years. What's going to happen and what makes you think that it's going to happen now?

Edited by JFKvsNixon
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People have been saying that for the last 20 years. What's going to happen and what makes you think that it's gun got happen now?


Was that a Freudian slip, given this thread is about the USA?

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