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Save the 12 Trees on Rustlings Road - Please sign Petition

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Yes it is replacement. It's not like-for-like replacement because that's not possible, but yes it is replacement.


No, you're right, it is not like-for-like replacement in any shape or form or by ANY stretch of the imagination. Century old trees CANNOT BE REPLACED, they are unavailable to buy - however rich someone might be. For this reason they are PRICELESS. And this council's negligent attitude toward them, is frankly obscene.

Edited by Mindfulness
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...and replaced! (is that better taximan)


If you cannot keep up with the debate and continue to ignore the information and links posted by myself and others to make absurd statements like this I will leave you to your own devices.

I'm happy to debate sensibly but your contributions are beginning to have the look of someone who doesn't want to be confused by the FACTS because the mind has already been made up.

Come back to me and provide some evidence to substantiate what you are saying otherwise have the common sense to understand that you are only giving your opinion...and realise this is not the same as fact.


That's not too much to ask I hope. :)

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If you cannot keep up with the debate and continue to ignore the information and links posted by myself and others to make absurd statements like this I will leave you to your own devices.

I'm happy to debate sensibly but your contributions are beginning to have the look of someone who doesn't want to be confused by the FACTS because the mind has already been made up.

Come back to me and provide some evidence to substantiate what you are saying otherwise have the common sense to understand that you are only giving your opinion...and realise this is not the same as fact.


That's not too much to ask I hope. :)

OK if resorting to patronising comments make you feel better then feel free to continue the debate in that nature but I will not be bullied by anyone who's opinion I do not happen to agree with.


It is my opinion that the trees are a mess and have caused considerable damage to the environment and provide risk of injury. Your 'evidence' is all based on the fact you have a different opinion to me and therefore is biased to support your claim.


I do not believe our council would not go round cutting trees down without good reason and on this occasion I trust the expertise that they have at their disposal.

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A fact is that the relative changes to local atmospheric environment through the 12 trees on Rustling Road being felled are infinitesimally small.


Another fact is that good management of the roadside trees should never have allowed them to reach the size and condition that they are currently in.


Another fact is that any good future management will entail removal of some or all of those trees.

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OK if resorting to patronising comments make you feel better then feel free to continue the debate in that nature but I will not be bullied by anyone who's opinion I do not happen to agree with.


It is my opinion that the trees are a mess and have caused considerable damage to the environment and provide risk of injury. Your 'evidence' is all based on the fact you have a different opinion to me and therefore is biased to support your claim.


I do not believe our council would not go round cutting trees down without good reason and on this occasion I trust the expertise that they have at their disposal.


Re my bold above.


It is now beyond all doubt to me that that is all you have...your own opinion based on...your own opinion.


I have given you hard evidence from other expert sources which you have chosen to completely ignore.


Trees do not harm the environment! To claim they do really illustrates your ignorance.


I will not be replying to any more of your posts on this subject. There are far better uses of my time.


---------- Post added 17-09-2015 at 21:02 ----------


A fact is that the relative changes to local atmospheric environment through the 12 trees on Rustling Road being felled are infinitesimally small.


Another fact is that good management of the roadside trees should never have allowed them to reach the size and condition that they are currently in.


Another fact is that any good future management will entail removal of some or all of those trees.


Sources please.

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I see that since 2008 Trees for cities .org has planted over 12,000 trees in Sheffield often in areas where the amount of trees has been generally lower that the area around Endcliffe Park.

I also see that Sheffield Council (with aid from others) has planted 50,000 trees in Sheffield this year.

Surely in an area with many existing trees in the park and the close proximity of many more (if the walk towards Wiremill Dam and those in Bingham Park behind the houses on Rustlings Road are included), the removal of 12 trees isn't going to threaten the atmosphere of the area.

Whilst in an ideal world they would be removed over a period of time we don't live in an ideal world.

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I don't have a strong opinion about this issue but it's a shame there isn't as much interest or passion about the plight of our fellow man as there is on here about the fate of 12 trees on a residential street.

Just an observation.


Considering the crisis in Syria etc the destruction of a few trees does seem somewhat trivial.

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Considering the crisis in Syria etc the destruction of a few trees does seem somewhat trivial.


Most people are capable of being concerned about both of those things.

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