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Save the 12 Trees on Rustlings Road - Please sign Petition

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Are you having a laugh? There are no trees on Colley Road and the road was fully redone about 6 months ago and there are cracks right across the roda every 6 feet and the road is a at least half a mile long. The reason there are so many problems with roads and footpaths is the crap job done by Amey. The footpaths on my road have been patched at least 3 times since April and there are no trees on here either and haven't been since at least 1955


Sorry i should have said the theory is sound, what actually happens is another matter.

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You may not agree with the council is doing but you must at least comprehend that the way they are doing it seems sensible? Replace the tree, replace the footway, done.


The felling wont and cant be phased over decades, its just impracticable, its also impracticable to keep replacing the footway, closing the road and causing congestion.


Re my bold above.


What part of NO are you having difficulty grasping! It is far from sensible!

Repair of footpaths does not necessitate the felling of the tree on every occasion. Other cities repair their footpaths leaving trees in situ in the vast majority of cases. Sheffield does not!


I'm growing weary of trying to debate with people who keep posting the same thing over and over in a loop. Have you even read any of the links I and others have provided to substantiate our claims? If you have then please try and debate against the best practice policies adopted by other cities who have in place a POSITIVE tree strategy.


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 14:47 ----------


Are you having a laugh? There are no trees on Colley Road and the road was fully redone about 6 months ago and there are cracks right across the roda every 6 feet and the road is a at least half a mile long. The reason there are so many problems with roads and footpaths is the crap job done by Amey. The footpaths on my road have been patched at least 3 times since April and there are no trees on here either and haven't been since at least 1955


Now what does this remind me of...



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Re my bold above.


What part of NO are you having difficulty grasping! It is far from sensible!

Repair of footpaths does not necessitate the felling of the tree on every occasion. Other cities repair their footpaths leaving trees in situ in the vast majority of cases. Sheffield does not!


I'm growing weary of trying to debate with people who keep posting the same thing over and over in a loop. Have you even read any of the links I and others have provided to substantiate our claims? If you have then please try and debate against the best practice policies adopted by other cities who have in place a POSITIVE tree strategy.



You links are interesting at best but not relevant, saying it happens in other places is again interesting but not really relevant, trees are felled and not replaced at all in other places, some places just dont have trees, shall i post you a link?


The situation in sheffield is unique, the pfi creates a situation where EVERYTHING needs replacing and updating over the next 25 YEARS. its going to happen and this is best way for it to happen.


Your arguments consist of you harping on about the environmental benefits of these 12 trees, what about the environmental benefits of all the new trees the council are planting where none were before? what about the fact that although the benefits are reduced in the short term in the long terms the benefits are secured for future generations. You wont even consider other relevant factors such as safety and maintenance.


If we lived in an ideal world where everything was perfect then yes, get alan titsmarsh up the trees with his snippers every few years, and then buy a mature tree and winch it in with a helicopter when alans tree dies. Maybe green over the roads and plant more trees, sorry more mature trees. Jeez.

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A fact is that the relative changes to local atmospheric environment through the 12 trees on Rustling Road being felled are infinitesimally small.


Another fact is that good management of the roadside trees should never have allowed them to reach the size and condition that they are currently in.


Another fact is that any good future management will entail removal of some or all of those trees.


Its NOT just 11 trees on one road though is it. It’s a city wide felling programme over 5 years. Thousands of trees have gone already and are planned to be felled in a very short space of time. It is NOT sustainable management, because ecological, economic and social functions are not being maintained. I seem to recall that you are an arborist cgk, is that correct? Then you should be aware of the UK Forestry Standard of SUSTAINABLE management. Felling 75% of street tree canopy cover in a 5 year period is NOT sustainable management and will have a significant negative impact on the range, magnitude and value of the ecosystem services provided by our urban forest - including a significant negative impact on people's health and well being.


---------- Post added 18-09-2015 at 15:55 ----------


I see these selfish NIMBY's have now pitched up illegally in a public park.


FYI - The park superintendant and the community police are supporting the camp :)

Edited by Mindfulness
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You links are interesting at best but not relevant, saying it happens in other places is again interesting but not really relevant, trees are felled and not replaced at all in other places, some places just dont have trees, shall i post you a link?


The situation in sheffield is unique, the pfi creates a situation where EVERYTHING needs replacing and updating over the next 25 YEARS. its going to happen and this is best way for it to happen.


Your arguments consist of you harping on about the environmental benefits of these 12 trees, what about the environmental benefits of all the new trees the council are planting where none were before? what about the fact that although the benefits are reduced in the short term in the long terms the benefits are secured for future generations. You wont even consider other relevant factors such as safety and maintenance.


If we lived in an ideal world where everything was perfect then yes, get alan titsmarsh up the trees with his snippers every few years, and then buy a mature tree and winch it in with a helicopter when alans tree dies. Maybe green over the roads and plant more trees, sorry more mature trees. Jeez.


Re my bold above.




I am talking about hundreds of trees!


Your other remarks are proof positive that you have not read my links!


Sorry fonz but you are just not cool on this issue. Talk to someone else...you are wasting my time. Not because you have a different point of view...you are entitled to that...because you are ill informed.

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Before operating keyboard please engage brain!


So its ok to pitch up on public land where bye laws strictly prohibit it?


With each new post your depth of ignorance shows it knows no bounds.


---------- Post added 19-09-2015 at 00:20 ----------



FYI - The park superintendant and the community police are supporting the camp :)


Haha of course they are.

Watch how quickly they change their tunes when a removal order is issued. ;)

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Sorry, that should read 'Felling 75% of street tree canopy cover' (which is a significant component of the Urban Forest). 75% of 36,000 is 27,000


So just over 1% of Sheffield's trees are being replaced under the streets ahead programme. (1.35% based on the usual estimate of 2m trees in Sheffield).


Edit. And then there's the 50,000 new trees which are being planted as part of an increase in woodland trees, which started last January. 50,000 equates to a 2.5% increase.


So, overall, there is a planned increase in Sheffield trees. It looks like SCC are doing more good than bad.

Edited by Eater Sundae
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