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Save the 12 Trees on Rustlings Road - Please sign Petition

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I understand that there was a meeting between interested parties, yesterday.


Does anyone know what happened and/or what was discussed?


It seems odd it has gone quiet on both this thread and on the more general one in the "Sheffield" section.


I attended the meeting as a resident (I would have replied sooner but the forum took a while to register me) and councillors were meeting with council officers yesterday in a closed meeting, from which we have not had a response (to my knowledge).


There has been a verbal commitment for the matter to be raised at the full Sheffield City Council meeting on 1st July, but if the petition reaches 5000 by the 21st that will ensure the item of Rustlings Road and Sheffield Roadside Trees makes the agenda, as I understand it.


---------- Post added 11-06-2015 at 14:30 ----------


If I didn't know the area or specifically that road in question I wouldn't know to ask which side the offending trees are on which the campaign concerns would I.


As a resident, I am aware that there is no issue with subsidence under the retaining walls or houses, but there may be major issues if the trees are taken down. Last year, they took three and the road subsided.

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I attended the meeting as a resident (I would have replied sooner but the forum took a while to register me) and councillors were meeting with council officers yesterday in a closed meeting, from which we have not had a response (to my knowledge).


There has been a verbal commitment for the matter to be raised at the full Sheffield City Council meeting on 1st July, but if the petition reaches 5000 by the 21st that will ensure the item of Rustlings Road and Sheffield Roadside Trees makes the agenda, as I understand it.


---------- Post added 11-06-2015 at 14:30 ----------



As a resident, I am aware that there is no issue with subsidence under the retaining walls or houses, but there may be major issues if the trees are taken down. Last year, they took three and the road subsided.


Thanks for clarifying.

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Hello. There is a great deal of misinformation and generalisation currently being posted on here with regard to trees. It seems prudent to give people some access to facts. Here is a document by the National Tree Safety Group on Common Sense Risk Management of Trees:




I hope people find it useful and that it allows them to challenge the misconceptions that people hold :)


---------- Post added 14-06-2015 at 00:04 ----------


Please sign the petition: http://chn.ge/1dtg74B. :)


---------- Post added 16-06-2015 at 00:00 ----------


Petition over 3000


---------- Post added 21-06-2015 at 01:07 ----------


Petition over 3800


---------- Post added 21-06-2015 at 21:35 ----------


Petition over 4000


---------- Post added 26-06-2015 at 22:33 ----------


Petition over 4500

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  • 4 weeks later...
I didnt get any such requests; but I would donate to plant trees where I live, better still, if you can plant them yourself, with the help of the council.

My daughter did a tree planting session when she was about 5 years old. Maybe just tokenism, but the trees, mainly Hawthorne, are still there.


They are putting new tree back to replace the one they cutting down and I live on that road and think they are doing the right thing sooner have a nice path to walk down and with small tree

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As people have already mentioned 'replacement' is used a lot as justification for the wholesale asset stripping that is going on across all of Sheffield. I would encourage you to look, really LOOK at the saplings that are being planted/have been planted around you over the last few years. Especially The Meadowhead Roundabout debacle. Looking a bit weedy? Yellowing leaves? Poor growth? Dead? Dying? 25% of these so called 'replacements' for well-established, thriving trees - will die/have died already. They are not replacements at all.


Furthermore, a large crowned tree provides much in the way of ecosystem goods and services, such as: pollution control, flood prevention, temperature regulation, biodiversity, habitat, health and well being. The monetary worth of these services can be assessed with the use of software such as i-Tree and Torbay Council are already up and running with the use of a functioning Street Tree Strategy http://www.torbay.gov.uk/itree. These ecosystem services, provided by large crowned trees, amount to millions of pounds each year.


Saplings do not provide ANY of these services on the same scale and cannot be considered replacements for this reason alone , let alone the fact that a significant portion of them are dying. So why are they dying? Because the ground isn't prepared properly before planting, the root ball isn't given the space that it needs to grow properly, they are not regularly watered in the manner that they are supposed to be after planting, weedkiller is sprayed around their base to prevent the growth of weeds -but has a detrimental effect on these young trees aswell.


So why does all of the above happen? Because Amey are not using competent arborists to monitor planting and for follow up maintenance. Competence means someone who has the skills and experience to complete their job. Amey see their job as finished, as soon as they stick these poor doomed saplings into the insufficiently prepared earth - and leave them to die of thirst, nutrient deprivation and poison.


In my opinion, saplings are NOT replacements for Sheffield's mature, well-established, flourishing, Street Trees. These old trees can NEVER be replaced. Which is why we need to make sure the best decisions are currently being made on our behalf by Amey. And I contest that they are.


---------- Post added 17-07-2015 at 02:16 ----------


Petition over 11,000 in total. Please sign here: http://chn.ge/1dtg74B :)

Edited by Mindfulness
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