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Save the 12 Trees on Rustlings Road - Please sign Petition

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Update from the SORT campaign:


Dear supporters. A federation has been set up under the name Sheffield Tree Action Groups (STAG). This is to act as a hub for people to share and access information from the many tree campaign groups across the city, ALL FOR ONE AND ONE FOR ALL! The Facebook link is here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/392913244219104/?fref=ts.


'All-out' elections May 2016, means that all councillors will have to stand down and every council seat is up for election - everyone's seat is up for grabs!! Voters get 3 votes instead of the usual one! So if you are unhappy with the inertia of this Labour Council and their councillors over bringing Amey to task for felling healthy trees - then this would be the time to vote for someone else. Doing so could improve the likelihood of getting a council that will commission alternative highway engineering specifications, that could enable the safe, long-term retention of many, of the thousands of larger-crowned street trees currently scheduled to be felled before 2018 . Alternative highway engineering specifications, drafted by competent highway engineers, working in cooperation with registered/ Chartered arboricultural consultants, would help preserve the ecological, economic and social benefits that street trees provide, which benefit our health and well-being.


This is a generational opportunity to get rid of an entrenched, embedded Council that completely ignores the wishes of it's constituents! If you want our highway trees to be managed in a sustainable manner, or if you would like greater honesty and transparency, or if you are fed up with having all enquiries secretly converted to Freedom of Information requests, then subsequently dismissed as “vexatious” and “manifestly unreasonable” - voting may be your best opportunity to change things for the better (btw, yes, this IS the way ALL tree related enquiries that relate to the £2.2bn Amey PFI project, are now being handled!).


If you want our council to adopt current and widely accepted industry guidance and recommendations, as befits “The most wooded and treed city in Britain” (SCC, 2015), or if you would like to see that officials ensure that their decisions are soundly based on available evidence and not unduly influenced by transitory or exaggerated opinions formed by vested interests, voting may be your only opportunity for positive change! You can find out more about these things online, by visiting Stocksbridge Community Forum and following the link to the SORT letter to Cllr Fox, dated 14th July, 2015: https://www.stocksbridgecommunity.org/news/streets-ahead-stocksbridge-trees.


As always, thank you everyone for all of your endeavours, wherever you are, for the trees of Sheffield - each of your individual efforts are seen and very much appreciated by the rest of us!


All the best



---------- Post added 13-10-2015 at 18:20 ----------



I had figured as much and thank you for the further clarification :)


You are right about the council ignoring their constituents.

We have been trying for the about the last thirty years to get the tree outside cut down, because that's about the time they stopped maintaining them and they have never took any notice, so it beats me how anyone can say they want to cut trees down, or maybe it's a case of they just do the opposite thing to what anybody wants.


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 09:54 ----------


Why are my posts being removed?

Is it because I have a genuine and meritable counter argument?

Or is someone on the admin team allowing petsonal interests to cloud their judgement?

A pm would be nice.



I did sense that myself megalithic.

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Amey should not be allowed to profit from Sheffield's irreplaceable natural assets. The city's trees are rather too important to be part of an unbelievably expensive money making scheme! Say NO to unsustainable management of the urban forest and the 5yr city-wide felling programme. Sign the petition! Like us on Facebook! :)


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 00:25 ----------



Thank you Andy :)


Correct me if I'm wrong, but a tree is entirely replaceable. Plant a new one, watch it grow.


Confused about "expensive money making scheme" as well, if it makes money then surely the cost is less than nothing!


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 11:41 ----------


Mature trees can NEVER be replaced.


Except by growing new ones of course... :huh:

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but a tree is entirely replaceable. Plant a new one, watch it grow.



You're wrong. Let me correct you :)


A mature tree is not replacable- it has character and history and is an established part of the neighbourhood, as is clear from the level of local opposition to killing the trees.


A 'new one', in contrast, lacks these things, plus it's a lot smaller, probably of a different species, and, judging by the competence of whatever council dept is in charge of this, could well be planted wrongly and die.

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You are right about the council ignoring their constituents. We have been trying for the about the last thirty years to get the tree outside cut down, because that's about the time they stopped maintaining them and they have never took any notice, so it beats me how anyone can say they want to cut trees down, or maybe it's a case of they just do the opposite thing to what anybody wants.


Hi Spilldig. For what reason did you want to fell this tree? SCC's website states "We are unable to carry out work where:


  • Trees belong to private properties
  • Falling leaves or fruit are causing an annoyance
  • Falling blossom, sap or bird droppings are causing an annoyance
  • Trees are blocking light or causing shade
  • Trees are obstructing telephone wires (contact your telephone service provider)
  • Trees are obstructing TV or satellite reception
  • We do not remove trees for construction or widening of driveways"


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 13:30 ----------


Correct me if I'm wrong, but a tree is entirely replaceable. Plant a new one, watch it grow


To replace the ecosystem services of ONE large crowned street tree, you would need to plant the equivalent of 60 street saplings. Sheffield's large crowned street trees are therefore NOT being 'replaced'.


Confused about "expensive money making scheme" as well, if it makes money then surely the cost is less than nothing!


I don't understand what you are trying to say here?


Except by growing new ones of course... :huh:


Please explain to me, how you 'grow' another 100 yr old tree overnight, Cyclone? Where can I buy one? :)


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 13:42 ----------


judging by the competence of whatever council dept is in charge of this, could well be planted wrongly and die


It is Amey that is responsible for all the sickly and dead saplings all around the city. That have not been watered or properly cared for - Meadowhead roundabout, Derek Dooley way, Furnival Gate, Furnival Square, Furnival Street. The list goes on and on. Let alone these 1:59 deficient 'replacements' that people are still waiting for, 2 years down the line.

Edited by Mindfulness
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Why are my posts being removed?

Is it because I have a genuine and meritable counter argument?

Or is someone on the admin team allowing petsonal interests to cloud their judgement?

A pm would be nice.



Re my bold above.


You can rest assured this is absolutely not the case!

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Hi Spilldig. For what reason did you want to fell this tree? SCC's website states "We are unable to carry out work where:


  • Trees belong to private properties
  • Falling leaves or fruit are causing an annoyance
  • Falling blossom, sap or bird droppings are causing an annoyance
  • Trees are blocking light or causing shade
  • Trees are obstructing telephone wires (contact your telephone service provider)
  • Trees are obstructing TV or satellite reception
  • We do not remove trees for construction or widening of driveways"


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 13:30 ----------



To replace the ecosystem services of ONE large crowned street tree, you would need to plant the equivalent of 60 street saplings. Sheffield's large crowned street trees are therefore NOT being 'replaced'.




I don't understand what you are trying to say here?




Please explain to me, how you 'grow' another 100 yr old tree overnight, Cyclone? Where can I buy one? :)


---------- Post added 21-10-2015 at 13:42 ----------



It is Amey that is responsible for all the sickly and dead saplings all around the city. That have not been watered or properly cared for - Meadowhead roundabout, Derek Dooley way, Furnival Gate, Furnival Square, Furnival Street. The list goes on and on. Let alone these 1:59 deficient 'replacements' that people are still waiting for, 2 years down the line.


Well 2 3 and 4 for sure but also the pavements are really badly damaged and thick roots are coming through the path which grows through again if you re-tarmac although the path a is affected by moss due to lack of light as well.

I have mentioned it on here but obviously the thread is a very long one now. I have said also that when we moved in here about 44

years ago they were properly maintained.

Edited by spilldig
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Local bye laws - pleasure Grounds ( 18 )/(1)


"A person shall not in the pleasure ground except as herein after provided erect any post, rail, fence, pole, tent, booth, stand, building or other structure provided that this prohibition shall not apply where upon an application to the council they grant permission to erect any...."


So not only are these people holding up essential work they're also breaking local bye laws.

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Local bye laws - pleasure Grounds ( 18 )/(1)


"A person shall not in the pleasure ground except as herein after provided erect any post, rail, fence, pole, tent, booth, stand, building or other structure provided that this prohibition shall not apply where upon an application to the council they grant permission to erect any...."


So not only are these people holding up essential work they're also breaking local bye laws.


Unless permission has been granted?

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