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Martial art to get fit

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I've noticed that I'm getting fatter and fatter, month by month so I've decided to find activity where I can move a lot and do a lot of exercises!

My problem is, I do not know a lot about martial arts. I'm looking something, where I can after training, feel really tired.

I don't know what I should try so I'm asking here for an advice guys. It would be nice to do something what could let me get fit (I know that all martial arts do it, but some of them focus less on it, some more).

I prefer to do some exercises with people, instead of repeating one movement (like punches or kicks in the air) thousand times.

I do not care about self defense at all. I do not need to achieve "black belts" or other awards as well. all what matters for me is to:

-get fit

- enjoy training with others, instead of staying alone in the corner of the hall, repeating over and over same exercises


Can you advise me something please? I know that they are many martial enthusiasts here, but please, try to look at what I am asking for, from a distance, do not try to just recommend me your club, it's not going to help me I suppose.


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Come along to Knights In Battle and give medieval re-enactment a try. It's not a martial art in the sense you are talking about, but it does the crucial things you want. There are no 'katas' or repeated movements on your own: we teach you to fight safely in the re-enactment style (initially with broadsword, later with other weapons) and all the fighting you do will be against an opponent.


Initially, most people find that their arm strength is the limiting factor, but it doesn't take long to get past that stage to where it becomes a very good cardio workout. Ultimately, you might even find yourself donning five or six stone of armour and fighting for half an hour or more in a full battle re-enactment - a huge melee of grinning re-enactors. We don't do it for fitness, but because it's fun!


Alternatively, open up your options to other forms of enjoyable exercise. The other one I always recommend is modern jive dancing - it's exercise, but you can manage a three-hour workout by choosing which tracks you dance to. You are always dancing with a partner but don't need to bring one along. Definitely bring a towel and a change of shirt - I see a lot of guys changing halfway through the night because it is a better workout than you might think.

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Thanks for reply! It sounds really interesting, but I'm not really sure that it will help me to get fit. Surely it will help to gain some muscles and strength in some parts of my body, but I think I'm looking for something, what can help me to get "generally good condition".

Does anyone have another idea? Thank you in advance for all of your advice's!

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I've noticed that I'm getting fatter and fatter, month by month so I've decided to find activity where I can move a lot and do a lot of exercises!

My problem is, I do not know a lot about martial arts. I'm looking something, where I can after training, feel really tired.

I don't know what I should try so I'm asking here for an advice guys. It would be nice to do something what could let me get fit (I know that all martial arts do it, but some of them focus less on it, some more).

I prefer to do some exercises with people, instead of repeating one movement (like punches or kicks in the air) thousand times.

I do not care about self defense at all. I do not need to achieve "black belts" or other awards as well. all what matters for me is to:

-get fit

- enjoy training with others, instead of staying alone in the corner of the hall, repeating over and over same exercises


Can you advise me something please? I know that they are many martial enthusiasts here, but please, try to look at what I am asking for, from a distance, do not try to just recommend me your club, it's not going to help me I suppose.





you have come to a conclusion - and I'm not sure it's the right one.


You have said you are getting fatter - and prescribed yourself more exercise - in the form of martial arts.


Ralph - we all get fatter as we get older. Some of us help it along by having a poor diet and lack of exercise.


It's really about inputs and outputs.


What kind of lifestyle do you lead? Do you drive everywhere and take public transport? Do you walk and cycle?


Do you spend your evenings on the settee in front of the telly?


Do you sleep well? eat well? How much do you drink?


I'm not asking you to answer these questions directly but I'm saying, take a look at your whole life. Do you eat, sleep, drink, exercise, appropriately?


Exercise is only one part of it.


Before you rush to join a martial arts club, thinking it will slim you off, it won't. A complete review of your lifestyle is needed. You may not need martial arts at all in fact. Just the willpower to change things.

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Thanks for reply! It sounds really interesting, but I'm not really sure that it will help me to get fit. Surely it will help to gain some muscles and strength in some parts of my body, but I think I'm looking for something, what can help me to get "generally good condition".


It will tone up your upper body, but we don't end up like Schwarzenegger. Using the weapons is about controlling their momentum, so you actually don't build that much muscle, just tone it up. The primary effect is an improvement in fitness through a cardiovascular workout - once you have done that first bit to build the necessary tone in your arm muscles, it is about movement: arms and legs working together to move the body and swing the sword in attacks and parries.


Compare it, if you like, with a 'standard' martial art like judo or karate. They circle each other, then close and have a flurry of action lasting a few seconds till one is down or a significant hit is scored. Very gentle exercise for a minute or so, then a flurry of a few seconds of intense activity. Most of their actual exercise is in the warm-up routines they do at the start of the class and the katas ("doing the same move a thousand times over"). I am not denying that will get you fit, it's just an instructor-led exercise routine. Zumba is another of those - a top way of building general fitness, but that's not what you said you were looking for.


Re-enactors fight without stopping for five, ten minutes or more, as long their cardiovascular fitness allows. Moderate exercise for a lot longer.


DerbyTup is right too, of course. Taking up one hobby won't fix everything: you need to look at your whole lifestyle. But if the hobby is fun for its own sake, you are more likely to keep it up. And I believe that re-enactment fighting is fun!

Edited by esme
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Thanks for reply! It sounds really interesting, but I'm not really sure that it will help me to get fit. Surely it will help to gain some muscles and strength in some parts of my body, but I think I'm looking for something, what can help me to get "generally good condition".

Does anyone have another idea? Thank you in advance for all of your advice's!


Try running up and down a hill all day wearing 5 stone of plate armour and carrying a bill over your head ;) Fit is a side effect of everything else.


Can you tell that I'm a veteran of quite a lot of reenactment? :)

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Hi guys!


Thanks for all replies! I think it's true that if I want to get fit, I need to rethink my life, instead of just participating one sport activity. I've noticed now that I've become so lazy, even short walk to city centre, which is close for me, makes me tired sometimes so I prefer to drive everywhere. I used to do ABS in home but I don't remember when I did some exercises in home..

Wickercamp looks nice but I don't like an idea of fighting with someone..I understand that there is a safe environment but I just don't feel it.

I was reading similar topics on forum and found this:


Do you recommend this place? What I can see on their website, I don't have to fight with anyone at all and it looks like exhaustive activity!

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Hi guys!


Thanks for all replies! I think it's true that if I want to get fit, I need to rethink my life, instead of just participating one sport activity. I've noticed now that I've become so lazy, even short walk to city centre, which is close for me, makes me tired sometimes so I prefer to drive everywhere. I used to do ABS in home but I don't remember when I did some exercises in home..

Wickercamp looks nice but I don't like an idea of fighting with someone..I understand that there is a safe environment but I just don't feel it.

I was reading similar topics on forum and found this:


Do you recommend this place? What I can see on their website, I don't have to fight with anyone at all and it looks like exhaustive activity!




All I'm saying is we will get you fit ;)

One of our instructors used to be 14 stone ( not muscle either lol)

He is now an ISKA champion , a 2nd degree black belt and his fight weight is now between 9.5 and 10 stone ;)

I know you're not bothered about the fighting side of things but believe me we will get you fit ;)

Ring 07775914155 to ask more questions


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