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Becoming more and more disappointed with my fellow man

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We've had a few threads since the election regarding evil Tories will do this that and the other. They may, they may not but for the vast majority of us we won't know the difference.


In the meantime we have this ever increasing wave of unkindness and bullying, antisocial behaviour and meanness often pushed along by social media, but something's also stopped by it. Cat-in-the-bin woman and the likes of the repugnant Katie Hopkins are the tip of a very nasty iceberg.


Take this bunch of arseholes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31872321 Have they acted illegally? Probably not. Would you want to know them? God I hope not.


Here's another bunch of smug ****ers who should be beaten to near death with their smart phones. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32873055 Were their lives improved by making this guy feel bad? Short term I'd bet yes.


And to top it off, there's stealing from children. Golf claps all round. https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/family-of-preston-fan-say-8-year-old-boy-is--gutted--after-woman-snatched-jermain-beckford-s-match-winning-shirt-off-him-154037172.html?vp=1


As I said, it's low level stuff and nobody has died but whilst we have so little regard for other people like us is it any surprise successive governments don't give a toss either?

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We've had a few threads since the election regarding evil Tories will do this that and the other. They may, they may not but for the vast majority of us we won't know the difference.


In the meantime we have this ever increasing wave of unkindness and bullying, antisocial behaviour and meanness often pushed along by social media, but something's also stopped by it. Cat-in-the-bin woman and the likes of the repugnant Katie Hopkins are the tip of a very nasty iceberg.


Take this bunch of arseholes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31872321 Have they acted illegally? Probably not. Would you want to know them? God I hope not.


Here's another bunch of smug ****ers who should be beaten to near death with their smart phones. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32873055 Were their lives improved by making this guy feel bad? Short term I'd bet yes.


And to top it off, there's stealing from children. Golf claps all round. https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/family-of-preston-fan-say-8-year-old-boy-is--gutted--after-woman-snatched-jermain-beckford-s-match-winning-shirt-off-him-154037172.html?vp=1


As I said, it's low level stuff and nobody has died but whilst we have so little regard for other people like us is it any surprise successive governments don't give a toss either?


I fully agree. It's soul destroying and saddening when people behave this way, but heartening when others respond positively.

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The problem is there are no consequences. People act like this and then hide behind stuff like the "human rights act". In the past someone would have punched them in the face at a young age and they'd have learnt their lesson then and there.


One of the great misanthropes of SF in fine form there advocating punching children in the face.


What could possibly be wrong about such a brilliant idea?

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One of the great misanthropes of SF in fine form there advocating punching children in the face.


What could possibly be wrong about such a brilliant idea?




We've had a few threads since the election regarding evil Tories will do this that and the other. They may, they may not but for the vast majority of us we won't know the difference.


In the meantime we have this ever increasing wave of unkindness and bullying, antisocial behaviour and meanness often pushed along by social media, but something's also stopped by it. Cat-in-the-bin woman and the likes of the repugnant Katie Hopkins are the tip of a very nasty iceberg.


Take this bunch of arseholes. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-31872321 Have they acted illegally? Probably not. Would you want to know them? God I hope not.


Here's another bunch of smug ****ers who should be beaten to near death with their smart phones. http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-32873055 Were their lives improved by making this guy feel bad? Short term I'd bet yes.


And to top it off, there's stealing from children. Golf claps all round. https://uk.eurosport.yahoo.com/blogs/world-of-sport/family-of-preston-fan-say-8-year-old-boy-is--gutted--after-woman-snatched-jermain-beckford-s-match-winning-shirt-off-him-154037172.html?vp=1


As I said, it's low level stuff and nobody has died but whilst we have so little regard for other people like us is it any surprise successive governments don't give a toss either?


I wouldn't get too down hearted Tfh - the media tend to report bad news, I think their motto is "good news is no news".

Having said that there was the recent case of the woman raised a fortune from strangers on the internet for the disabled man who was mugged


Bear in mind these acts of kindness as well as the ugly side of human nature too!

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To put some perspective in: Stuff like this always happened, it is just that now we record almost everything it is more publicly available.


As kids we used to "tease" an elderly woman with learning disabilities, her name was Godje Gothell and she walked around with a brick in her handbag to lash out at kids in the street if they sang a song about her name.


With hindsight I realise we behaved like complete morons, and had it been recorded and we had suffered the full scorn of the internet-respondance crowd, we would have known sooner and changed our ways. Each cloud has a silver lining.

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Guest makapaka

The Internet age is killing off humanity bit by bit. But if you don't join in you lag behind. Sad but true.

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Guest sibon
True enough, but it doesn't make the crappy bad news stories go away.


It doesn't, but the good outweighs the bad.


Good news makes bad telly though.

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