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Becoming more and more disappointed with my fellow man

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People have always commented on how others look, particularly those who are thinner/fatter than average. If anything, people who are thin tend to get more abuse now as being overweight is so common.


Stealing from children is definitely wrong, however, we live in a society where young people are valued much less than their elders. A society where the young face multiple forms of discrimination. The elderly now get richer and richer whilst most of the current wave of austerity is forced upon the young, and the young have got poorer and poorer for decades now, whilst the elderly have been getting richer. The young have been forced to pay for education, retire later, are denied housing and so on, and they are being left a tremendous amount of debt by the generations that preceeded them, and the debt has been run up in a very socially irresponsible way, it is a peacetime debt resulting from privatisation of the commons and reckless spending. The elderly however (generally speaking), have received massive amounts of state subsidy, state benefits & spending etc., generous wages and pensions, cheap housing, are retiring early and are still getting increased benefits and increases to them benefits as the young are forced into absolute poverty and becoming poorer by the day, to the point many are slaves that yield rent.


In a society where the elderly are given everything, and the young are well and truly f****d over to pay for the largesse, then it is no wonder people think it is acceptable to steal off of children. Wider society has been stealing from children for years now, instead of investing in them. We have the first generation ever to be poorer than their parents, and in a world of increasing wealth and productivity for crying out loud.


When stealing from our children is STATE policy and people have happily allowed it to happen. You shouldn't be surprised to see people steal from children. They don't have proper property rights, children now are property. Slavery is now commonplace for children, and for all intents and purposes, wider society deems that stealing from them is more than ok, it actively encourages it.


When stealing from children is the order of the day (or should that be past 3 decades), then it is no wonder people have begun to straight steal from them, as it is actively encouraged by wider society.

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People have always commented on how others look, particularly those who are thinner/fatter than average. If anything, people who are thin tend to get more abuse now as being overweight is so common.


Stealing from children is definitely wrong, however, we live in a society where young people are valued much less than their elders. A society where the young face multiple forms of discrimination. The elderly now get richer and richer whilst most of the current wave of austerity is forced upon the young, and the young have got poorer and poorer for decades now, whilst the elderly have been getting richer. The young have been forced to pay for education, retire later, are denied housing and so on, and they are being left a tremendous amount of debt by the generations that preceeded them, and the debt has been run up in a very socially irresponsible way, it is a peacetime debt resulting from privatisation of the commons and reckless spending. The elderly however (generally speaking), have received massive amounts of state subsidy, state benefits & spending etc., generous wages and pensions, cheap housing, are retiring early and are still getting increased benefits and increases to them benefits as the young are forced into absolute poverty and becoming poorer by the day, to the point many are slaves that yield rent.


In a society where the elderly are given everything, and the young are well and truly f****d over to pay for the largesse, then it is no wonder people think it is acceptable to steal off of children. Wider society has been stealing from children for years now, instead of investing in them. We have the first generation ever to be poorer than their parents, and in a world of increasing wealth and productivity for crying out loud.


When stealing from our children is STATE policy and people have happily allowed it to happen. You shouldn't be surprised to see people steal from children. They don't have proper property rights, children now are property. Slavery is now commonplace for children, and for all intents and purposes, wider society deems that stealing from them is more than ok, it actively encourages it.


When stealing from children is the order of the day (or should that be past 3 decades), then it is no wonder people have begun to straight steal from them, as it is actively encouraged by wider society.


Way to hijack a thread to push forward your own agenda. You should be a politician chem.


---------- Post added 26-05-2015 at 23:16 ----------


It doesn't, but the good outweighs the bad.


Good news makes bad telly though.



Worth it for the public information film alone but some of the comments made me chuckle too.

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'Becoming more and more disappointed with my fellow man.'


Sorry to hear you're feeling like that. But as other posters have pointed out, there are still a lot of good people out there.


I think we are living through particularly difficult times at the moment which is bringing out the worst in some people. We are in a state of flux and people have forgotten how important it is to simply be kind to each other. They are not helped by the examples of those with power and influence at the top of society either, who are motivated by nothing but money and greed.


There is hope though. For every bad story you hear about, remember there are several good ones that never make it into the news. Nice people go about their business quietly and don't make a big splash. Personally, I love the 'Pay it forwards' idea of how good deeds that can change the world.


All we can do is continue to try and set good examples to those around us and hope the tide changes soon.

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When you have meanness as fundamental to popular entertainment it's hard to maintain a belief that most people are decent human beings. Take the sneering, sniggering, braying spite of the audience members of Simon Cowell and Simon Cowell lite TV talent shows; the DM's 'sidebar of shame', so popular that it propelled the online version of the rag to be one of the most popular sites on the internet and to inspire numerous clones; venom-spewing newspaper columnist and social media trolls inspiring not revulsion in some people but applause and nods of agreement and, in the case of the gamergate nasties, real-world acts of outrageous hatefulness.


It's an extension of the age-old bully with a ****ty life anxious to perceive someone else as even less fortunate than them while shoring up their own existence. 'Twas ever thus, but with new opportunities and arenas in which to show off just how much of an arsehole you are to an ever-expanding audience, it's easy to believe that we're being swamped in a morass of hatefulness.

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Way to hijack a thread to push forward your own agenda. You should be a politician chem.


It is still on topic?


A few people say nasty things, it isn't that big of a deal, it has always happened. When everyone says nasty things to/about a certain group, then it becomes a problem. You have to ask what groups are constantly put down though?


(It isn't just the young)

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The problem is there are no consequences. People act like this and then hide behind stuff like the "human rights act". In the past someone would have punched them in the face at a young age and they'd have learnt their lesson then and there.


You do post some tripe. Still think the UK is going to be 10 different countries in the next couple of years?


On topic though, what has any of this got to do with the human rights act? Do you seriously believe that punching someone in the face was legal before we signed the human rights act?



One of the great misanthropes of SF in fine form there advocating punching children in the face.


What could possibly be wrong about such a brilliant idea?


I may have missed something but what children did he advocate punching in the face?

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I may have missed something but what children did he advocate punching in the face?


Read the post to which Halibut referred:


The problem is there are no consequences. People act like this and then hide behind stuff like the "human rights act". In the past someone would have punched them in the face at a young age and they'd have learnt their lesson then and there


It is difficult to interpret that as anything other than condoning violence, specifically the punching of children in the face. It is being offered to us, is it not, as a solution to a problem which is (regrettably, according to HappHazzard) no longer available. The clear inference is that if it were [available], the world would be a better place.

Edited by aliceBB
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I'm not sure how you managed to link: The Tory Government, the downfall of society and the online bullying of an American woman????


Also what can any government do to stop some ropey old tart from Preston stealing a football shirt from some poor kid??

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