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Dear LGBTQA..a genuine request..

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I was there, maybe you were, maybe you are forgetting how radically things changed.


I think the pill became available in 1963? certainly that lead to the sexual liberation of women.


I suggest liberation opened the door to many positive things but inevitably some not so positive, drugs started to become a problem shortly after, we also so a huge attack on deference, Beatles, Peter Cook, Cassius Clay, and many others refused to adhere to the polite deference that had been the norm. A good thing in many ways, but that's also the time good manners declined.


The LGBTQA campaigners of today owe their very existence to what happened in the 60s. But so do the people who now travel all around the world freely, some to go on holiday and to travel, others to join ISIS.


My only concern is to be aware that all is not positive, doesn't mean stop, means be careful.


Polite deference? Would that be women knowing their place and homosexuals keeping their mouths shut?

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...My only concern is to be aware that all is not positive, doesn't mean stop, means be careful.
This doesn't just apply to LGBTQIA people, not every straight person is a saint


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 16:15 ----------


The LGBTQA campaigners of today owe their very existence to what happened in the 60s. But so do the people who now travel all around the world freely, some to go on holiday and to travel, others to join ISIS.
I'm sorry are you seriously trying to link LGBTQIA people and ISIS ?


I think we need another term, like a "Godwin" for this

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Polite deference? Would that be women knowing their place and homosexuals keeping their mouths shut?


Yes, women in the early 60s were not expected to work other than in menial jobs and when their husband could not keep them. They were expected to have kids and look after the home. This is why the pill was such a liberator, once the woman could control her fertility she was in a much more equal position.


Although Homosexuality was legalized around this time there was a huge stigma if a homosexual man was exposed, which despite the changes in the law the press continued to seek to do.


But this is not really deference, this was also the time we challenged the class system, when we stopped automatically agreeing with our "betters". Started to assert ourselves.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 16:28 ----------


This doesn't just apply to LGBTQIA people, not every straight person is a saint


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 16:15 ----------


I'm sorry are you seriously trying to link LGBTQIA people and ISIS ?


I think we need another term, like a "Godwin" for this


Dear me, why don't you read what I have written? I really do despair at the absolute stupidity of such a comment.

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You state "centuries of prejudice to be overcome". Are you totally confident that these prejudices are unfounded?
It seems to me that the sexual act is designed for procreation. Although humans have developed differently to the rest of the animal kingdom and like Bonobo can use sex as a recreation/bonding process/activity we are somewhat out of step with most other animals.
I would replace 'designed' with 'evolved' however even then homosexuality is has been observed in every species we've looked at.
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Yes, women in the early 60s were not expected to work other than in menial jobs and when their husband could not keep them. They were expected to have kids and look after the home. This is why the pill was such a liberator, once the woman could control her fertility she was in a much more equal position.


Although Homosexuality was legalized around this time there was a huge stigma if a homosexual man was exposed, which despite the changes in the law the press continued to seek to do.


But this is not really deference, this was also the time we challenged the class system, when we stopped automatically agreeing with our "betters". Started to assert ourselves.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 16:28 ----------



Dear me, why don't you read what I have written? I really do despair at the absolute stupidity of such a comment.


So I'm lost now, what's your point?

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Dear me, why don't you read what I have written? I really do despair at the absolute stupidity of such a comment.
I did read it, you're the one who started a paragraph with LGBTQA people and finished with ISIS.


That's a weird segue.

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I did read it, you're the one who started a paragraph with LGBTQA people and finished with ISIS.


That's a weird segue.


Try reading the bits in between dear.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 17:10 ----------


So I'm lost now, what's your point?


My point is that the freedom and equality rightfully being campaigned for by the LGBTQA community is a direct continuation of the the campaigns that started in the 1960s.


The successes of those campaigns are tinged with failures, my recommendation was, when supporting such campaigns to remember the failures and try to avoid them.


Surely not controversial?

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Try reading the bits in between dear.


---------- Post added 02-06-2015 at 17:10 ----------



My point is that the freedom and equality rightfully being campaigned for by the LGBTQA community is a direct continuation of the the campaigns that started in the 1960s.


The successes of those campaigns are tinged with failures, my recommendation was, when supporting such campaigns to remember the failures and try to avoid them.


Surely not controversial?


Not controversial, just the link you make between equal rights campaigns and 'failures' doesn't make sense

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There is a very simple test here: Do you condone the use of the word gay to describe something as naff/stupid/unwanted? Because kids do, it is commonplace in sports and in broader society. Older generations will still go: "Are you queer??!!!" Shock horror on face. It isn't accepted yet and there is a long way to go.


PS: I was guilty of calling things gay, just because that is what gamers do. It took my wife getting p-d off with me and calling me a stupid Frisian, for me to realise what I was doing. Interestingly, when I broached the topic in my clan I learned that one of the guys was gay and did indeed have an issue with my constant use of the term in that manner.


There's a problem with this though, I used to use it a lot, like you gaming related and for general annoyances. Also like you my mrs took offence and chastised me :)

The problem is; The word, as everyone knows means happy/joyful etc, it was attached to homosexuality via 'carefree' and has since been appropriated for another reason. If it wasn't yours to begin with can you really complain when it's taken from you?

I never really associated the term 'that's so gay' with homosexuals and still don't, I can appreciate it was originally meant as derogatory but that time has passed.

In some respects it's rather like 'b*llocks' and if you wanted to you could argue that we shouldn't use b*llocks for a phrase as it's associating men (via genitalia) with a negative term.

A laughable idea I know but the principle is identical, there's others as well.

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