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Worlds largest land owner

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The Queen is said to be the worlds largest land owner, she is the legal owner of approximately 6,600 MILLION ACRES of land; according to various web sites.


That is a lot of land, has she ever sold any of it? Does she really own it?

Perhaps that is why we are not building enough houses?

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Sure it's not 6,660 million hectares of land---- makes more sense.


But the masses worship her--- for what?


In 1984 private ownership will be strictly outlawed.


The ruling elite will own everything.

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Considering that the earth is 510 million square kilometres including uninhabitable land, and there are 247 acres in a square kilometre, I think we can safely put this down to cloud cuckoo land.


If we assume it is 6,6 billion acres (6600000000) than keep in mind that most of this is likely to be completely useless land in the wilderness of Canada and the outback of Australia. Even Balmoral is only 50,000 acres. So whatever way you look at it, it is a load of cobbledicock.

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The world's total land mass consists of 36.8 billion acres of inhabitable land.


An incredible 21 percent of this land is owned by a short list of landowners, according to The New Statesman.


Of course that includes the Queen of England, who nominally owns places like Canada and Australia.



Nominally owns can be translated as, doesn't really own.


Land: 6.6 billion acres of land worldwide including Great Britain, Northern Ireland, Canada, Australia and a few other spots here and there. Also, the all-important Falkland Islands.



I don't think this is at all correct, she doesn't have legal title to all the land in GB or NI...

Edited by Cyclone
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Nominally owns can be translated as, doesn't really own.




I don't think this is at all correct, she doesn't have legal title to all the land in GB or NI...


She personally has legal title to relativly very little land - she does own Sandringham for example in a personal capacity - not sure about Balmoral and Windsor.


As the personification of the Crown however she owns vast amounts of Canada - about 90% of all land is provincial which means it is directly owned by the Crown of Canada. The same situation is true for Australia although each area of land is held in right of the Crown for each of the Commonwealths of Australia. Since Canada is the second largest country, and Oz is effectivly a continent I can well accept 6 and a half billion acres...

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She personally has legal title to relativly very little land - she does own Sandringham for example in a personal capacity - not sure about Balmoral and Windsor.




No, we own Windsor, us the public. I know we do because she said we do that time it burnt down. Yeah, its the nations palace she said.

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No, we own Windsor, us the public. I know we do because she said we do that time it burnt down. Yeah, its the nations palace she said.


Looks like the Crown owns Windsor and the Queen personally owns Balmoral after a bit of digging.

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