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Police refuse to chase helmet-less motorcycle perps

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Er no it doesn't.


"I, ... of ... do solemnly and sincerely declare and affirm that I will well and truly serve the Queen in the office of constable, with fairness, integrity, diligence and impartiality, upholding fundamental human rights and according equal respect to all people; and that I will, to the best of my power, cause the peace to be kept and preserved and prevent all offences against people and property; and that while I continue to hold the said office I will to the best of my skill and knowledge discharge all the duties thereof faithfully according to law."


If the police are not chasing them then I want to knwo why they are not upholding the rule of law and preventing offences thanks.


If someone take a helmet off so what? It's their choice. The only reason the police should be breaking off a pursuit is if there is danger to bystanders. The police should attempt to apprehend someone with the minimum risk to them, but if that risk means that they are going to get brain damaged, then so be it I'm afraid.


you will find that the right to life is the largest tenet of the human rights charter!


But you will find that when someone does get seriously injured or die because they were chased we will all blame the police.

Edited by monkey104
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you will find that the right to life is the largest tenet of the human rights charter!


But they are not denying them the right to life.


Freedom of movement is also a human right but that doesnt mean we shouldnt detain people does it?

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I think they should be treat like armed criminals and shot!


If someone ran about with a gun or knife with the potential to cause death or harm they would be shot without many questions being asked.


So what is the difference of some scroat on a quarter ton lump of stolen bike or in a one ton stolen car driven at high speed, or even at low speeds they have the potential to cause great harm to many innocent bystanders.

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The problem being that if the police did chase them and they fell off and died the police would be blamed by folk like the OP for causing their death.

Damned if they do and damned if they don't - the police are stuck between a rock and a hard place and I feel sorry for them tbh.


Yep, and given that being chased by police is likely to make people ride faster, take corners faster and generally take less care on the road, the act of being chased increases the risk that they are going to fall off or crash and either suffer serious injuries or die.


They have to draw a line about what is too unsafe a policing practise, and whilst if it was my bike they'd nicked I'd want them caught, I wouldn't necessarily want to see them die like my boyfriend did when he made a calculation error on cornering.

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But you will find that when someone does get seriously injured or die because they were chased we will all blame the police.
Speak for yourself.


If a police officer instructs somebody to stop, they should comply and stop.


If they don't, that is a deliberate choice not to comply, and the eventual self-inflicted consequences (for the police only extremely rarely 'barges' (t-pacs) someone off the road, and never does so for bikes) should be the sole responsibility of that person.


You won't ever find me blaming the police when the chased individual(s) end up wrapped around a tree or a lamp post as a result of non-compliance and over-confidence. It's just Darwin at work, 'live by the sword' and all that.


Though I will of course blame the police if they (not the chased individual(s)) injure an innocent bystander. Like these 2 (coming home blind drunk from a police do in an unmarked police car, running every red light and eventually crashed into a delivery van and killed its driver).

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So if some young lad say , 16 yrs old is having a cabby on his mates motorcycle.

Of previous good character, doing well at work but unfortunately is not insured for the bike and in a moment of stupidity rides off when police stop him.

So it's ok to chase him, risking his life, members of the public and not forgetting the officers doing the pursuit.

When I say 'we' would blame police I meant the royal 'we' and when I say we I meant Brits blaming UK police, not cheese eating surrender monkeys.

Edited by monkey104
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